(under subclass 341) Systems wherein the amplifier is of the reflex type wherein two signals of different frequencies are amplified in the same tube.
(1) Note. Most reflex circuits amplify the two signals simultaneously. For example, the signal may be amplified once as an i-f signal before detection and again as an a-f signal after detection.
(2) Note. See the discussion of amplifier means in combination with other peculiar to radio receivers, in a single tube, in Note XVII of the Search Notes to Class 330, Amplifiers, for the classification line between the subject matter in that class and that contained in this subclass.
(3) Note. Systems comprising the combination of amplifier means with detector means and wherein the detector means is claimed in such a way as to comprise merely a feedback signal source from the output to the input of the amplifier or where the detector is claimed in broad terms and significant details of the amplifier are claimed, will be classified here. Systems comprising significantly claimed detector means combined with an amplifier means claimed in broad terms or as serving merely as an input signal source for the detector means will be classified in Class 329, Demodulators.
335, for receivers having a tube or stage for performing plural functions simultaneously or selectively.