Class Notes

Current as of: June, 1999
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Classification: 455/

This is the generic class for modulated carrier wave communications not elsewhere classifiable.

Some art areas excluded from this class are: Alternating or pulsating current telegraphy; Antennas; Broadcast or multiplex stereo; Condition responsive indicating systems with a radio coupling link; Directive carrier wave systems; Multiplex carrier wave communications; Paging via modulated carrier wave; Pulse or digital communications which may be modulated onto a carrier wave; Reflected carrier wave systems (e.g., radar); Selective (e.g., remote control); Telemarketing; Television; Facsimile. (See References to Other Classes, below, for class references.)


The combination of the subject matter of this class (455) and other art environment is generally classified with the other art environment where that environment is significant by virtue of the claimed relationship. For example: Directive systems; Geophysical systems; Radar systems; Radio remote control systems; Telegraph systems; Telemetering systems; Television systems; Facsimile systems (See References to Other Classes, below)

Subcombinations specific to a modulated carrier wave communication system are classified herein unless classified elsewhere. For example: Demodulation and detector, oscillators, per se, Modulators, per se, and tuners, per se, are classified elsewhere. (See References to Other Classes, below. )

(1) Note. The classification lines between this class (455) and the related subcombinations classes are found in the class definitions of these subcombination classes.


Subclasses 1-355 of this class (455) are limited to radio wave communication systems in which the carrier wave is modulated by a continuous (analog) signals. These subclasses exclude:

(1) Remote control of an external device which is classified in Class 340, subclasses 825+.

(2) Multiplexing of signals which represent intelligence; see Class 370.

(3) Pulse or digital signals which represent intelligence; see Class 359, subclasses 109+; and Class 375.

(1) Note. The above subclasses may include pulse signals which are used to control a transmitter or receiver; however, where the information content is represented by a pulse or digital signal, classification is in Class 375. Subclass 620 is miscellaneous analog or pulse modulation carrier wave communication not elsewhere classified, for example, modulated protons, muons, or neutrino particles utilized for communication of information.



33, Geometrical Instruments, for geometrical type measuring instruments that may employ carrier wave telemetering links.

73, Measuring and Testing, which class may include carrier wave telemetric links.

178, Telegraphy,

66.1+, for alternating or pulsating current telegraphy. (See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, Art Areas Excluded From This Class.) 178, Telegraphy, for telegraph systems. (See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, Combination of The Subject Matter of This Class (455) and Other Art Environment.)

178, Telegraphy, provides in

2+, for various telegraph systems comprising means for transmitting mark and space or coded telegraph messages between stations and including a plurality of telegraph instruments, such as transmitting and receiving instruments in circuit, and indented subclass 49 for superimposed current systems.

246, Railway Switches and Signals, appropriate subclasses for carrier wave railway signalling systems, particularly

2+, for train dispatching systems; indented subclasses 7+ providing for telegraphy or telephony; subclasses 20+ for block-signal systems; and subclasses 167+ for cab signal or train control systems.

257, Active Solid-State Devices (e.g., Transistors,

Solid-State Diodes), appropriate subclasses for integrated circuit structure, bipolar, and field effect transistors (or combinations thereof), light emitting injection diodes, and other light emitting devices, etc.

330, Amplifiers, for demodulation and detector, per se.

331, Oscillators, for oscillators, per se.

332, Modulators, for modulators, per se.

334, Tuners, for tuners, per se.

340, Communications: Electrical, 539, for condition responsive indicating systems with a radio coupling link; subclasses 311.1 and 825.44+ for paging via modulated carrier wave; subclasses 825+ for means for controlling the operations of a signalling device or devices in a selective manner over a lesser number of communication lines than the number of different results which can be obtained by signalling over said lines and which may contain transmission and receiving means in circuit (radio remote control systems), especially subclasses 825.69; subclasses 870.01+ for telemetering systems in which the received signal is at any instant proportional to a condition at the transmitter.

342, Communications: Directive Radio Wave Ssytems and Devices (E.G., Radar, Radio Navigation),

350+, for directive carrier wave systems.

343, Communications: Radio Wave Antennas,

5+, for reflected carrier wave systems (e.g., radar); subclasses 100+ for directive radio wave systems; subclasses 700+ for antennas.

348, Television, for television systems.

358, Facsimile, for facsimile systems.

359, Optics: Systems (Including Communication) and Elements,

109+, for optical communication.

367, Communications, Electrical: Acoustic Wave System and Devices, for geophysical systems, for signalling by means of mechanical or compressional waves, such as sound or supersonic waves. See

87+, for echo systems; and subclasses 131+ for underwater systems.

370, Multiplex Communications, for multiplex communication systems which may include modulated carrier wave systems.

375, Pulse or Digital Communications, is the generic class for pulses modulated onto a nonlight wave carrier; see

222+, 259+, 301, 303, 321, 322+, and 338+.

379, Telephonic Communications, for a two-way electrical transmission of intelligible audio information over an electrical conductor.

380, Cryptography, for cryptos:graphic telecommunication techniques and equipment.

381, Electrical Audio Signal Processing Systems and Devices,

1+, for broadcast or multiplex stereo.

399, Electrophotography,

8, for remote monitoring of an electrophotos:graphic device.

463, Amusement Devices: Games,

1+, especially subclasses 39 and 40+, for a nonprojectile game with telecommunication means.

505, Superconductor Technology: Apparatus, Material, Process, 150+, for high temperature (Tc 30 K) superconducting devices, particularly subclasses 202+ for electrical communication systems.

709, Electrical Computers and Digital Data Processing Systems: Multiple Computer or Process Coordinating,

200+, for data transferring among a plurality of spatially distributed computers or digital data processing systems.

714, Error Detection/Correction and Fault Detection/Recovery, appropriate subclasses for generic error checking.



A wave resulting when the necessary characteristics of an intelligence or information signal are impressed on a carrier wave.


A system for establishing a voice communication link between a base and a mobile transceiver via a wireless carrier wave channel that is allocated for use during a communication link, and wherein the mobile transceiver has a specific

assigned call address number.


All types of communications systems in which electric or electromagnetic signals are used to transmit modulated carrier wave information between points. The transmission media is via radio wave generally of a frequency above human speech, yet at a frequency lower than infrared frequencies. Radiotelephonic communication via wireless link is included in this class.