(under subclass 1) Method for manufacturing or fabricating a device generally for use in cylinder of an internal combustion engine, which device has a pair of electrodes between which an electric discharge is passed usually to ignite an explosive mixture of fuel.
(1) Note. This subclass also includes the manufacture, fabrication, or production of devices which are of similar structure but intended for use in diverse applications. It does not include the manufacture of devices where the spark is made by moving the electrodes into contact and then separating them to draw the spark. Also excluded is the manufacture of single electrode structures which are designed to be used with some other device so as to form a jump spark therewith.
123, Internal-Combustion Engines,
153+, for making and break type sparkers in a combustion with an internal combustion engine or engine accessory, and subclass 169, for spark plugs in combination with an internal combustion engine or engine accessory.