.~ With coating, e.g., providing protective coating on sensitive area
Classification: 445/58
With coating, e.g., providing protective coating on sensitive area:
(under subclass 1) Method for treating the surface of a workpiece so as to form a film or surface layer of material
(1) Note. The coating material may be the same or different composition from the base material.
9+, for methods including coating by vapor, gas, mist or smoke within the envelope.
29, Metal Working,
424, for methods of utilizing a temporary protective coating, subclasses 458+ for methods of assembly including coating step previous to assembly, and subclass 460 for methods of assembly including a subsequent coating step. 148, Metal Treatment,
240+, for processes of reactive coating of metal wherein an external agent combines with a component of a metal substrate to form a coating thereon which contains a component of the metal substrate.
156, Adhesive Bonding and Miscellaneous Chemical Manufacture, appropriate subclasses, note especially
278, for methods of surface bonding or assembly therefor which include coating of nonadherent face of lamina, and subclass 289 for methods of surface bonding or assembly therefor which utilize parting or release material to prevent adhesion.
204, Chemistry: Electrical and Wave Energy,
192.1+, for coating, forming, or etching by sputtering.
205, Electrolysis: Processes, Compositions Used Therein, and Methods of Preparing the Compositions,
80+, for electrolytic coating processes.
264, Plastic and Nonmetallic Article Shaping or Treating: Processes,
129+, for methods under the class definition of coating a workpiece (out of the mold).
427, Coating Processes, appropriate subclasses, note especially
122, for carbon coating, subclasses 123+ for metal coating, and subclasses 126.1+ for metallic compound coating, all of which are indented under subclass 58 which is methods for producing electrical products.