.~ Generating gas or vapor within an envelope, or coating by vapor, gas, mist or smoke within the envelope {12}
.~.~ Depositing plural coatings
Classification: 445/11
Depositing plural coatings:
(under subclass 9) Method which includes producing or creating a plurality of deposition layers or coating on some part of the lamp or discharge device by a plurality of absorption, condensation or reaction operations.
(1) Note. Merely producing a coating upon two or more parts of the lamp or discharge device such as upon two different electrodes, where only a single coating operation is involved is not within the definition of this subclass.
(2) Note. The coatings produced in this subclass may be superposed or upon separate parts of the lamp or discharge device.
(3) Note. The coating may be of the same material applied separately or of different materials.
12, for plural coating processes where one coating is produced by a vapor, gas, mist, or smoke, and one is produced by some other operation.
205, Electrolysis: Processes, Compositions Used Therein, and Methods of Preparing the Compositions, 183+, 188+, 191+, and 198+, for electrolytic coating methods combined with other types of coating operations.
313, Electric Lamp and Discharge Device,
553+, for electric lamps and electric space discharge devices which are provided with a plurality of different getters and/or gas or vapor generating means.
427, Coating Processes,
58+, for coating, per se, wherein the coated product has electrical utility, and subclasses 402+ for methods of applying superposed diverse coating or coating a coated base.
430, Radiation Imagery Chemistry: Process, Composition, or Product Thereof,
311+, for methods under the class definition of making electrical devices having nonplanar or printing surfaces.