This is the residual and generic class of process and apparatus for the manufacturing, fabrication, repair, salvage, assembly, disassembly or other treatment of an electric lamp, liquid crystal display device or an electric space discharge device which process or apparatus is not elsewhere classified.
(1) Note. An electric lamp is defined for the purpose of classification as a device for converting electric energy into visible light or ultraviolet light.
(2) Note. An electric space discharge device is defined for the purpose of classification as including any device which is intended to have an electric current flow between two spaced parts or electrodes, at least part of the path followed by the discharge constituting a gas, vapor, or vacuum. Examples of an electric space discharge device include spark gap, spark plug, radio tube, X-ray tube, cathode-ray tube, laser tube, arc tube, gas or vapor discharge lamp, flash lamp and lightning arrester of the electric space discharge type.
The line between this class and all other classes which provide for either apparatus or process for the manufacture or treatment of electric lamp, liquid crystal display device or electric space discharge device is that all combined process and all apparatus which are intended to perform a plurality of different processes are classified in this class when one of the operations performed is an operation specifically provided for in this class. For the lines between particular classes not included in the general line above, see the notes to this section, below, and References to Other Classes, below.
For electric lamp and electric space discharge device, including the structure of a self-baking or Soederberg electrode which is formed from a plastic mass during the operation of the device, see References to Other Classes, below.
The line between this class (445) and Class 29 is as follows: (a) where a claim is presented which recites manufacturing another structure, e.g., a lamp base, PCB; either specific or nominal and specific Class 445 device manufacture, placement of the original will be in Class 445; (b) where there is specific recited manufacture of another structure and, as a step in that manufacture, a nominally recited Class 445 device is nominally united to the base, placement is in Class 29 (merely screwing a light bulb into a base is considered nominal); and (c) the manufacture of other structures intended to be used with a Class 445 device is in Class 29 or other manufacturing classes. The subject matter of the class (445) was found in Class 316 and abolished subclasses 25.1+ of Class 29. No other portions of Class 29 have been screened for Class 445 subject matter.
7, Compound Tools, for miscellaneous compound tools.
15, Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning, appropriate subclasses, for brushing, scrubbing, and generally cleaning apparatus for use with electric lamps and discharge devices, note especially
56, and indented subclasses, for miscellaneous apparatus for cleaning receptacles.
29, Metal Working, for process and manufacturing miscellaneous electrical devices, especially
2, for battery-grid making, subclass 25.35 for piezoelectric device making, subclasses 25.41+ for electric condenser making, subclasses 592.1+ for processes of manufacturing various electrical devices, subclasses 33+ for plural diverse manufacturing apparatus including metal shaping and/or assembling, subclasses 729+ for means for assembling electric devices, and subclasses 762+ for means for disassembling electrical devices.
34, Drying and Gas or Vapor Contact With Solids, for miscellaneous apparatus for the separation of liquids from solids by drying or the contacting of solids with gases and/or vapors. For heating apparatus see the Class 34 definitions for additional searches.
53, Package Making, for methods and apparatus including closing and evacuating gas from or introducing gas, vapor or liquid into a portable receptacle. An electric lamp and an electric space discharge device are deemed to be encompassed by the term "portable receptacle" when there are no claimed limitations restricting the method or apparatus to the manufacture and/or repair of Class 445 devices - e.g., (1) limitation to electrode heating or assembly of components other than an envelope closure would require classification in this class (445) while mere heating of an envelope during evacuating or filling would not require exclusion from Class 53; (2) methods and the apparatus for such methods, which include performing a chemical reaction to eliminate gas or vapor by reacting the gas or vapor with some chemical to form a nonvolatile compound; or which include performing a chemical reaction to generate gas or vapor - whether the reaction is performed outside of or within the envelope - when the method or apparatus is directed to use in manufacturing a lamp or discharge device are excluded from Class 53 and classified in the class (445). See especially
403+, for process of gas filling and/or evacuating combined with closing and subclasses 79+ for equivalent apparatus. 65, Glass Manufacturing,
34, for a glass-working process including sealing off of a gas evacuating opening; subclasses 138+ for electronic envelope header, terminal or stem making by glassworking means; subclasses 152+ for fusion bonding by glassworking means, note especially subclass 153 for means attaching a flare concentrically to an envelope; subclass 154 for bonding a metal part to a glass part of lamp envelope; subclass 155 for glass to glass fusion bonding in an electronic device making apparatus; and subclass 270 for glass envelope tipping off apparatus utilizing glassworking, see the "Search Notes" thereunder.
72, Metal Deforming, for disclosure of pertinent deforming operations; and see particularly
66, and 135+ for disclosure of wire-coiling; 253.1+ for disclosure of extruding; and 274+ for disclosure of drawing through an orifice.
81, Tools, for miscellaneous handtools of general application, screw drivers, and wrenches and vises, of this class note especially
9.4, for wire strippers for stripping insulation off wire.
82, Turning, for miscellaneous apparatus for producing articles by means of cutters brought into engagement with a work piece, either the cutter of the work piece being given a rotary motion so as to produce an article or predetermined section, usually circular.
96, Gas Separation: Apparatus,
95+, and 98+ for electrodes for electrical precipitators.
101, Printing, for miscellaneous printing apparatus. Note especially
3.1+, for machines for producing characters or designs upon surfaces (such as the base of a discharge device or lamp) by dies which deform or remove part of the material and subclasses 35+ for machines for printing upon special articles, such as the envelope or base of a lamp or discharge device.
118, Coating Apparatus, for miscellaneous coating apparatus, and especially 47, for apparatus for carbonizing lamp filament coatings, and subclasses 715+ for apparatus for coating by means of a gas or vapor.
123, Internal-Combustion Engines,
153+, for make and break sparkers for internal combustion engines, and subclass 169 for spark plugs for internal combustion engines.
140, Wireworking, for miscellaneous apparatus for wireworking including the working of wire by bending or twisting it to form specific articles or fabrics, the applying of wire to articles, and cutting, feeding, straightening, and tensioning wire. Note especially
1, for wire working in combination with means not specific to wireworking such as apparatus for wireworking in combination with means for metal casting, swaging, welding, metal rolling, painting etc. See subclass 71 for miscellaneous apparatus for making articles from wire stock. See subclasses 71.5+ for forming and shaping electrodes and electrodes supports which are made of wire. Subclass 71.5 includes some patents for trimming and/or shaping the lead wire projecting from the stem of a lamp or discharge device. Subclass 71.6 includes machines for holding the stem and applying the wire electrodes to the support wires in the stem where only wireworking operations are involved. Subclasses 111+ provides for wire joining apparatus. Subclasses 147+ provides for wire straightening apparatus. Subclass 149 includes some apparatus for shaping a filament by twisting.
156, Adhesive Bonding and Miscellaneous Chemical Manufacture,
345, for differential etching apparatus, and subclass 424, for apparatus for assembling and bonding an electric lamp envelope to its base. Class 156, subclasses 47+ is also the generic home for processes for making and/or joining or splicing running or indefinite length electrical conductors not elsewhere provided for. Apparatus designed to perform a metal working and a covering operation is in this Class 445.
164, Metal Founding, for metal casting apparatus.
204, Chemistry: Electrical and Wave Energy,
194+, for electrolytic apparatus, in general, especially subclasses 280+ for electrodes used in this type of electrolytic apparatus; and subclasses 298.01+ for sputter coating, forming, or etching apparatus. Note, however, that self-baking or Soederberg electrodes, not limited to use in electrolytic apparatus, are classified elsewhere.
216, Etching a Substrate: Processes, 11, forming or treating article whose final configuration has a projection for the use of etching in the manufacturing of an electrode.
219, Electric Heating, for electric heating and welding apparatus, note especially
145.1+, for arc welding electrodes.
220, Receptacles,
2.1+, for envelopes, per se, for electric lamps, discharge devices, and similar devices.
226, Advancing Material of Indeterminate Length, for methods of and apparatus for feeding material without utilizing the leading or trailing ends to effect movement of the material.
228, Metal Fusion Bonding, for joining of work portions by soldering, welding or brazing, note especially
179.1+, for methods of bonding electrical devices having plural joints, and subclass 903 for a cross-reference art collection for bonding metal to nonmetal.
242, Winding, Tensioning, or Guiding, for miscellaneous winding and reeling apparatus, including
430+, for methods and apparatus for making by winding articles such as electromagnets and coils, etc., or in applying wire or cordage material by winding to armatures, rings, pails, pipes, or other articles.
269, Work Holders, for work holders, per se, for use in electric lamp or space discharge device manufacture. 310, Electrical Generator or Motor Structure,
248+, for brushes for electrical motors and generators.
313, Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices,
327, for the structure of a self-baking or Soederberg electrode which is formed from a plastic mass during the operation of the device.
313, Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices, for electric lamps and electric space discharge devices, including electric incandescent lamps, electric space discharge lamps, electronic tubes, gas or vapor filled discharge tubes, cathode-ray tubes, X-ray tubes, photoemissive discharge tubes and spark plugs. Note especially
11.5, for spark plug type discharge device having temperature modifier, subclasses 402+ for shadow mask, support or shield for CRT, subclass 482 for support for electrode or envelope of CRT, subclasses 118+ for spark plug devices, subclasses 238+ for support and/or spacing structure for electrode and/or shield, and subclasses 326+ for electrodes, filaments and shields for such devices.
314, Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices: Consumable Electrodes, appropriate subclasses, for electric space discharge devices of the consumable electrode type (arc lamps etc.).
315, Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices: Systems, appropriate subclasses, for special types of electric lamp and electric space discharge device systems.
338, Electrical Resistors, for electrical resistors, per se.
361, Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,
247+, for electrical igniting systems, and subclasses 600+ for housing and mounting assemblies with plural diverse electrical components. 362, Illumination, appropriate subclasses, for means and processes for casting visible radiant energy in at least one direction to render objects in that direction visible.
373, Industrial Electric Heating Furnaces, appropriate subclasses, for miscellaneous electrical furnace structures, especially
2+, and 60+ for arc furnaces, and subclasses 88+ for arc furnace electrodes. Note, however, that self-baking or Soederberg electrodes, not limited to use in arc furnaces, are classified
408, Cutting by Use of Rotating Axially Moving Tool, for drilling and boring tools and operations.
417, Pumps, for pumps, per se.
422, Chemical Apparatus and Process Disinfecting, Deodorizing, Preserving, or Sterilizing, appropriate subclasses for electrodes for electrolytic, electrostatic and electric discharge apparatus.
427, Coating Processes,
74, for methods of coating to form a photoconductive product which responds to visible, infrared, or ultraviolet illumination by (a) emitting electrons, (b) generating an electromotive force, or (c) varying electrical conductivity.
428, Stock Material or Miscellaneous Articles, appropriate subclasses, for a stock material product or blank in the form of a single or plural layer (laminated or coated) web or sheet.
429, Chemistry: Electrical Current Producing Apparatus, Product, and Process,
94, for plural concentric or single coiled electrode under the class definition, and subclasses 122+ for elements,
subcombinations, and compositions for use in current producing cell and note especially subclass 208 for electrode support for holding an electrode in a battery and subclasses 209+ for various electrode structure and chemical compositions. 430, Radiation Imagery Chemistry: Process, Composition, or Product Thereof,
23+, for producing CRT or element thereof under the class definition.
431, Combustion,
358, for a photoflash bulb of the combustion type.
438, Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process,
20, for methods of making semiconductor-based electron emitters.
439, Electrical Connectors, for electrical connectors, per se. Note especially
143+, for electrical connectors with anti-inductive shielding means, and subclass 217 for electrical contact or connector secured to insulation.
451, Abrading, for grinding or abrading apparatus.