(under subclass 173.1) Processes wherein enzymes are subjected to electrical or wave energy thus affecting the catalytic activity and/or physical structure thereof.
(1) Note. This subclass does not include electrophoretic or electrofocusing processes for the separation and purification of enzymes. Such subject matter is provided for in Class 204, and in Class 435, subclasses 183+.
8, through 29, for subject matter involving measuring and testing utilizing enzymes.
174+, for subject matter involving immobilization of enzymes.
183+, for subject matter involving enzyme and proenzyme compositions and other processes for preparing, activating, inhibiting, separating, or purifying enzyme or proenzyme compositions.
817, for subject matter involving enzyme electrodes. SEE OR SEARCH CLASS
205, Electrolysis: Processes, Compositions Used Therein, and Methods of Preparing the Compositions,
777.5+, for electrolytic analysis or testing involving an enzyme or microorganism (e.g., animal or plant cells, bacteria, virus, etc.).