.~ Having motor or means to transmit motion from motor to tool (e.g., "engine") {10}
.~.~ Including clutch or variable transmission
Classification: 433/105
Including clutch or variable transmission:
(under subclass 103) Apparatus including either (a) a selectively engageable drive between the prime mover and tool, or (b) means to vary the ratio of the speed of movement of the prime mover's working member to the speed of movement of the tool.
74, Machine Element or Mechanism,
640+, for gearing.
192, Clutches and Power-Stop Control,
30+, for a clutch, per se.
408, Cutting by Use of Rotating Axially Moving Tool,
124+, and 139 for drilling apparatus having clutches or variable speed transmissions, especially subclass 133 for plural speed drives. 474, Endless Belt Power Transmission Systems or Components, appropriate subclasses for variable speed transmission using a belt drive.