(under subclass 125) Devices used in fumigating trees, especially fruit trees, to destroy vermin infesting the same.
(1) Note. Trees of the citrus species, which are attacked by scale insect, are usually the ones fumigated. Hydrocyanic acid is usually the insecticide employed. Includes tree tents or covers, handling apparatus for the same, and all devices designed especially for the fumigation of trees not of general application.
47, Plant Husbandry,
20+, for tree covers for frost protection, etc.
135, Tent, Canopy, Umbrella, or Cane, appropriate subclasses, for tents and canopies of general utility.
239, Fluid Sprinkling, Spraying, and Diffusing, appropriate subclasses for apparatus for discharging fluids generally and especially
77, and 78 for the mobile orchard sprayer type which discharges a fluid insecticide or the like into the path of an air blast for disseminating the insecticide onto the foliage of trees.
414, Material or Article Handling, appropriate subclasses, for tent handling apparatus.