.~ Embodying fibers interengaged or between layers (e.g., paper, etc.)
Classification: 428/608
(under subclass 544) Subject matter which includes a layer or component comprising fibers, strands, etc., mechanically intertangled, interwoven, intertwined or interlooped, or included between other layers.
(1) Note. See the main class definition of this class (428) for loci of other subject matter relating to interengaged fibers.
85+, 175, 190, 193, 196, 197, 222, and 365, for a nonmetallic* stock-material* in which a component has
interengaged fibers, or in which a fibrous layer is between other layers.
605, for a mass or layer consisting entirely of interengaged fibers.
614, for similar stock-material* where the fibers, strands, etc., are not interengaged, e.g., are parallel. SEE OR SEARCH CLASS
57, Textiles: Spinning, Twisting, and Twining,
200+, for twisted strand structures.
63, Jewelry,
3+, for an ornament in the form of a bracelet, which may embody metal fibers.
169, Fire Extinguishers,
42, for an article* of that class comprising a plurality of interengaging elements held in position by a fusible substance.
174, Electricity: Conductors and Insulators,
128.1+, for plural-strand conductors.
245, Wire Fabrics and Structure,
1+, for a fabric of that class.
313, Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices, 343+, for filaments and electrodes composed of a plurality of interengaged wires or strands.
442, Fabric (Woven, Knitted, or Nonwoven Textile or Cloth, etc.), for a fabric containing layer.