.~ With provision for limited relative movement between components
Classification: 428/591
(under subclass 544) Subject matter having plural components and means for one component to move, relative to another component.
(1) Note. The motion is generally limited to that necessary to provide flexibility in the material or to prevent breakage due to installation or temperature change in the material.
(2) Note. The means must be a physically distinct means, not merely another component, definable merely in terms of its composition.
101, for nonmetallic* stock-material* having superposed movably attached layers or components.
617, for temperature deflectable composite* stock-material* provided with a component, generally a layer, of temperature-expansive characteristics such as to prevent separation of the main components.
SEE OR SEARCH CLASS 164, Metal Founding,
90, for processes of that class for forming a product having interconnected movable parts.
267, Spring Devices, appropriate subclasses for devices of that class having parts which are relatively movable.
403, Joints and Connections,
220+, for flexibly connected rigid members of that class.