Current as of: June, 1999
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213  DF  .~> Fluidized bed utilized
213.3  DF  .~> Solid encapsulation process utilizing an emulsion or dispersion to form a solid-walled microcapsule (includes liposome) {4}
214  DF  .~> Applying superposed diverse coatings or coating a coated base
215  DF  .~> Inorganic base {4}
222  DF  .~> Resin base


Classification: 427/212

(under the class definition) Processes for coating or encapsulating solid granules, pellets, beads, flakes, platelets or other particles en masse (i.e., not individually).

(1) Note. A process which specifies or is primarily concerned with the coating or encapsulating of solid particles is classified in this Class 427, subclasses 212+. However, there are numerous functional classes which provide for coating or encapsulating particles and the resultant coated or encapsulated particle or a composition containing said particle. Strictly speaking, Class 428 is not a composition class. It is included here only because it also provides for a coated or encapsulated particle. See Class 428, subclass 402, (1) Note for the distinction between Class 428 and those functional classes. These classes, with the exception of Classes 118 and 264, are listed below in decreasing order of superiority under SEARCH CLASS. Classes 118 and 264, though not composition or article classes, were included because of their close relationship to this coating class.

(2) Note. Processes wherein an individual particle is independently coated are classified elsewhere in this class depending on the specific process employed.

(3) Note. The classification of a patent reciting the encapsulating of a core material with no reference to the core being a solid or liquid, the assumption is a solid and therefore classified in this Class 427, subclasses 213.3+ as an original with a suggested cross to Class 264, subclasses 4.1+.

(4) Note. Clathrates and intercalates (inclusion compounds), per se, are classified hierarchily and subject to the limitations set forth in the compound (element) classes based both on the encapsulant and encapsulate. For example, a clathrate of urea and hydrogen peroxide, urea and an organic compound, and dextran and iodine are all classified elsewhere Where a patent does not state that a material is either a clathrate or an intercalate, the assumption is made that the material is either a coated or encapsulated product classified in Class 428, subclasses 402+.

(5) Note. An asterks (*) at the end of the Search Class notes below indicates that the class is not a composition class.


2.14+, for coating or encapsulating solid granules, pellets, beads, flakes, platelets, or other particles en masse, or individually, when the product has an intended medical or dental purpose, such as pharmaceutical preparations.

6, for coating particles wherein the base or coating includes radioactive material.

242, below for coating articles en masse by rumbling or tumbling them in contact with coating material wherein said articles are considered more than mere particles, flakes, or granules.


8, Bleaching and Dyeing; Fluid Treatment and Chemical Modification of Textiles and Fibers,

526, for a dye in specified form other than mere powder.

44, Fuel and Related Compositions, see, for example,

542+, coated or impregnated material. 51, Abrasive Tool Making Process, Material, or Composition; e.g.,

295, for a method of impregnating or coating an abrasive tool.

71, Chemistry: Fertilizers (See

64.11, for slow release forms).

106, Compositions: Coating or Plastic, for a filler or pigment for a coating composition which may include size or structure of the constituent particles or fibers which recitation does not serve to exclude from Class 106. See especially

31.14, (invisible inks), 36, 235, 241, 251, 253+, 266, 272, 275, 276, 280, 281.1+, 400+, 600+, 714+, and 789 in Class 106.

118, Coating Apparatus, subclass 303, for apparatus for spray coating particulate material.

149, Explosive and Thermic Compositions or Charges,

3+, for a coated component.

204, Chemistry: Electrical and Wave Energy.

208, Mineral Oils: Processes and Products.

252, Compositions (nonspecial uses or functions; i.e., 302+, 363.5, 372+, and 378).

252, Compositions, (special uses or functions) to


252, Compositions, (special uses or functions),

478, and those following, except subclasses 302+, 363.5, 372+, and 378.

264, Plastic and Nonmetallic Article Shaping or Treating: Processes, subclasses 4+ for processes of encapsulating liquid core materials.

419, Powder Metallurgy Processes, appropriate subclasses, especially

35, for processes of making articles from metal containing particulate materials by use of pressure and heat wherein the particles are coated with another substance prior to compacting or sintering; and subclass 62 for similar processes not employing heat.

424, Drug, Bio-Affecting and Body Treating Compositions,

400+, for coated, impregnated or layered feature.

426, Food or Edible Material: Processes, Compositions, and Products, 89+, for products which are coated solid, encased fluent material, or two or more solid self-sustaining materials integrally connected, and subclasses 302+ for processes of coating a solid food with a liquid.

428, Stock Material or Miscellaneous Articles,

402.2+, for a microencapsulated product, and subclasses 403+ for coated particles.

429, Chemistry: Electrical Current Producing Apparatus, Product, and Process.

430, Radiation Imagery Chemistry: Process, Composition, or Product Thereof,

138, for a microcapsule.

501, Compositions: Ceramic.

502, Catalyst, Solid Sorbent, or Support Therefor: Product or Process of Making,

60+, and 527.11-527.24.

504, Plant Protecting and Regulating Compositions,

100, for seeds coated with agricultural chemicals other than fertilizers; e.g., antidotes, plant growth regulators, fungicides, etc. 508, Solid Antifriction Devices, Materials Therefor, Lubricant or Separant Compositions for Moving Solid Surfaces, and Miscellaneous Oil Compositions.

520, Synthetic Resins or Natural Rubbers, see, for example, Class 523,

161, invisible ink composition and 200+ for a composition containing product in the form of surface-coated, impregnated, encapsulated, or surface-modified material.

536, Organic Compounds,

112, for dextran and iodine.

564, Organic Compounds,

32, for a clathrate of urea and hydrogen peroxide; subclass 1.5 for urea and an organic compound.

585, Chemistry of Hydrocarbon Compounds, (mixture subclasses).

588, Hazardous or Toxic Waste Destruction or Containment,

249+, for coating or covering of hazardous or toxic waste.