.~ Testing efficacy or toxicity of a compound or composition (e.g., drug, vaccine, etc.)
Classification: 424/9.2
Testing efficacy or toxicity of a compound or composition (e.g., drug, vaccine, etc.):
(under subclass 9.1) Subject matter wherein the capacity of a compound or composition (e.g., drug, vaccine, etc.) to produce a desired effect or an injurious or harmful effect in a living subject is tested for.
(1) Note. Claims which include in vivo diagnosis or in vivo tests as merely incidental to the treatment of a patient are classified in one of the appropriate treatment subclasses below.
(2) Note. Testing for an individual subject's hypersensitivity or possible allergy to a medicament or chemical prior to administration which involves a visible immune reaction on the skin is proper for subclass 9.81.
(3) Note. Methods of testing for the reduction of toxic side effects of a compound or composition would also be included herein.
(4) Note. Compounds or compositions tested can include therapeutic compounds or compositions, vaccines, etc.
(5) Note. Included in this subclass are methods of determining the potency of antigenic preparations in inducing immunity, determining the teratogenic or oncogenic potential of a chemical, determining the prophylactic ability of a medicament, etc.
SEE OR SEARCH CLASS 800, Multicellular Living Organisms and Unmodified Parts Thereof and Related Processes,3, for a method of using a transgenic nonhuman animal in an in vivo test method.