(1.) in which bubbles or effervescence in a liquid are produced in situ by a chemical reaction, or wherein said bubbles are produced by pressure release on a liquid system in which a gas is dissolved under pressure or
(2.) in which a composition, per se, contains a pressurized fluid which produces sufficient force on release to serve as a propellent for projecting the other components into the air or through the air as a foam, spray, or mist.
(1) Note. Included in this and indented subclasses are compositions which contain carbonated water or those producing carbon dioxide gas by chemical reaction on addition of water or wherein a pressurized fluid, such as Freon is employed as a propellant for projecting a preparation into the air as an aerosol or foam.
(2) Note. Compositions which are disclosed as having a volatile ingredient, per se, or which merely by being in particulate or liquid form may be sprayed or diffused by the simple application of externally applied air pressure or heat are classified elsewhere on the basis of the active component or components in said composition.
(3) Note. Included in this and indented subclasses are all shaving preparations within the subclass definition, including those containing soap or other components which have a detergent action.
SEE OR SEARCH CLASS 222, Dispensing,
394+, for dispensing with a fluid pressure discharge assistant; e.g., aerosols, etc.
252, Compositions,
305, for a fog, smoke, or gaseous primary dispersant and subclasses 372+ for a gaseous composition.