.~.~ Including plural controlled inlet or outlet flow paths

Current as of: June, 1999
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417 /   HD   PUMPS

490  DF  .~ Pumping member position controlled port {8}
493.~.~ Including plural controlled inlet or outlet flow paths {2}
494  DF  .~.~.~> Having means to selectively effect control at different positions of pumping member stroke
495  DF  .~.~.~> Pumping member comprises valved piston


Classification: 417/493

(under subclass 490) Apparatus comprising a single pump chamber having either (1) an inlet flow path for pump fluid and at least two outlet flow path which are different from each other and from said inlet flow path or (2) an outlet flow path for pump fluid and at least two inlet flow paths which are different from each other and from said outlet flow path; each of said two flow paths being cyclically controlled (i.e., controlled each time during a single pumping member movement cycle) at different times in the pump cycle and at least one of said two paths being controlled by a pumping member controlled part.

(1) Note. The plural inlet or outlet flow paths may be supplied from the same or different sources or deliver to the same or separate destinations. Therefore, a bypass of pump fluid to waste or back to supply or a vent to atmosphere is considered to be a flow path under this definition.

(2) Note. A passage to which pumped fluid is delivered or from which fluid is drawn into the pump is not considered to be an inlet or outlet under this definition if the fluid is delivered to or drawn from a portion of the pump assembly and is utilized for an ancillary purpose of the pump such as cooling or lubricating a pump part.

(3) Note. The flow paths are considered to be different under this definition if the pump fluid flows through one path at one time and flows through the same path and additionally through another path at another time.


485, for a plurality of pumping member controlled outlet ports which sequentially discharge fluid on successive strokes of the pumping member.