.~.~ Heat exchange means between pump fluid and secondary motor contacting fluid

Current as of: June, 1999
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417 /   HD   PUMPS

321  DF  MOTOR DRIVEN {32}
366  DF  .~ Including means utilizing pump fluid for augmenting cooling, lubricating, sealing, or cleaning of motor {4}
367.~.~ Heat exchange means between pump fluid and secondary motor contacting fluid


Classification: 417/367

(under subclass 366) Apparatus in which an intermediate fluid is utilized for cooling, lubricating or sealing the motor, said intermediate fluid being separate from and in heat exchange relationship with the pumped fluid.

(1) Note. Included under this definition are motors of the type having a sealed casing for enclosing a secondary fluid therein and means for augmenting heat transfer between the secondary fluid and the pump fluid by way of the motor casing.