.~ Internal-combustion engine

Current as of: June, 1999
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417 /   HD   PUMPS

321  DF  MOTOR DRIVEN {32}
364.~ Internal-combustion engine


Classification: 417/364

(under subclass 321) Apparatus in which the motor comprises a

chamber having a movable wall portion (i.e., working member) cooperating therewith to form an alternately expansible and contractable chamber, expansion of said chamber being caused by the burning of a combustible fluid within the chamber, said chamber expansion causing movement of said movable wall portion, the movable wall portion being connected to the pump.

(1) Note. The distinction between this subclass and subclasses 375+ is one of disclosure. Thus, any patent which has at least one embodiment of the invention which is disclosed as an internal combustion engine, and which has a claim specific to such embodiment, is classified in this subclass even though the claimed apparatus is not limited to internal combustion engine operation.


34, for internal combustion engine driven pump having means for controlling the engine in response to a pump or pump fluid condition.

237, for internal combustion engines in which at least one cylinder is convertible to operation as a pump.

324, for internal combustion engine driven pumps wherein the pump is operated as a motor to start the internal combustion engine.