.~ Coating, specific composition or characteristic {2}
241 B
.~.~ Ceramic material
Unofficial Alpha Subclasses: R A B
Classification: 416/241
(under subclass 223) Apparatus wherein (1) an initially fluent substance is applied to the blade surface so as to leave a residual film, layer or continuous deposit thereon or which penetrates the blade base material and is at least partially retained therein or (2) the material composition of the blade is specifically set forth or (3) a specific structural characteristic of the blade (other than shape) is set forth, such feature not being elsewhere classifiable.
(1) Note. Under part (2) the mere recitation that the blade is formed of metal or wood is excluded since such subject matter is extremely common in this art.
415, Rotary kinetic Fluid Motors or Pumps,
216.1, for a working fluid* passage or distributing means for a runner* has a specific shaft* shape or material, subclass 217.1 for a working fluid* passage or distributing means for a runner* has a corrosion resistant or nonmetallic portion.
420, Alloys or Metallic Compositions, appropriate subclasses for a specific alloy. Class 75 takes a nominally claimed impeller blade formed of a specific alloy. 428, Stock Material or Miscellaneous Articles, appropriate subclasses, for coated articles; Class 428 takes an impeller blade nominally claimed with a specific coating on a surface thereof,
551+, for stock material having plural adjacent metallic components, metal particles, and an additional nonmetal component.