This class provides the locus for all fluid impellers* not elsewhere classifiable.
(1) Note. The working fluid*, which is acted on by or acts upon the impeller, may be a liquid or gas.
This class also takes miscellaneous subcombinations of impellers and accessory devices when the subcombination or accessory is limited in use to the combination or not elsewhere classifiable.
Impellers* combined with structure or art devices are found in many classes wherein the impeller function is incidental or ancillary to the function of the combination. In those instances where an impeller relates to combinations in a similar manner in more than one class, a single line has been established to determine the placement of art.
No attempt has been made to review the classification of all patents found in classes which may involve an impeller as an element of the class subject matter. Thus, it is to be noted that although the original classification of a patent may not be consistent with a line set out below, currently issuing patents will be classified on the basis of the stated lines and the various patents currently classified inconsistent therewith are to be transferred when noted.
Vehicle Propulsion - This class provides for the combination of a vehicular device and an impeller* not otherwise classified wherein the impeller is arranged to propel the device and no more structure of the device is claimed than is necessary to mount the impeller inclusive of any impeller motor or drive means. Any additional recitation of vehicle structure or any modification of the vehicular device will require classification in the proper vehicle class.
(1) Note. The structure of the vehicle is considered to be significantly claimed in any instance wherein the impeller, its power plant, motor or drive mechanism is mounted or located (1) in a specific relation with respect to the vehicular device as a unit (e.g., perpendicular to longitudinal axis) or (2) on or in a relationship to a specific vehicle part (e.g., wing or keel). (2) Note. Merely locating the impeller or drive means by broad reference to the vehicular device is not sufficient to exclude the patent from classification in this class (e.g., attached at side, front, rear, bow, stern, top, bottom, right, left, within or without the vehicle or at the water
line). However, additional relationships will be sufficient for classification in the proper vehicle class (e.g., one impeller on each side or an impeller drive mounted within the vehicle rearwardly of the center of gravity).
(3) Note. Terms such as deck, cabin, wing, fender, keel and gunwale are considered to be specific vehicle parts, per se, while fore, aft, bow, stern, hull or fuselage are not, of themselves, so considered.
60, Power Plants,
495+, for a motor operated by the buoyancy of a fluid or by the vertical component of tides or waves.
74, Machine Element or Mechanism, for the combination with a named impeller* which is recited as a nominal load, i.e., no detail of the impeller or its relationship with the gearing or transmission is recited.
244, Aeronautics, for the combination of impellers* and aircraft structure where more aircraft details are recited than is necessary to mount the impellers.
277, Seal for a Joint or Juncture, for the combination of a sealing means between relatively moving parts, one of which may be an impeller* shaft, where no specific details are recited of the impeller or other fluid reaction surface mounted on the shaft.
366, Agitating, appropriate subclasses for (1) the combination of an agitating impeller* and a confining means (e.g., mixing chamber, etc.), (2) the combination of an agitating impeller and means functionally related to confining means for a fluid being agitated (e.g., structure which scrapes chamber walls; support specialized for use in or on a mixing chamber or closure therefore feed or discharge means to point of agitation; etc.), or (3) am impeller per se which is disclosed solely for agitating viscous or particulate solids, such as dough or sand.
384, Bearings, for the combination of a broadly recited impeller* and a bearing element supporting the impeller shaft. The recitation of a "blade" impeller is considered to be a detail sufficient to exclude a claim from Class 384 and classify it in Class 416. 415, Rotary Kinetic Fluid Motors or Pumps, for a fluid reaction surface (impeller*) and a means for guiding a fluid to, around or from the surface. The relationship between Classes 415 and 416 is that of combination - subcombination respectively. However, patents in Class 415,
182.1, and 208.1 through 232, which claim a nominally recited casing and particular runner structure have been cross referenced to Class 416. For a complete search of runner or impeller structure, other appropriate subclasses in Class 415 should be considered. A patent including claimed means for confining, guiding or directing the fluid to or from an impeller* will be classified in Class 415. A waterfall has been determined to be directed fluid and an impeller claimed in combination therewith is classified in Class 415.
440, Marine Propulsion, appropriate subclasses for the combination of an impeller* and significant ship structure and see Vehicle Propulsion above for a detailed statement of the line with vehicle classes in general.
(1) Note. As an exception to the line set out above, the collection of portable propellers (e.g., outboard motor type) in subclasses 53+ of Class 440 has not been cleared at this time and such disclosures will continue to be there classified.
The following terms or words, used throughout the titles and definitions, are set forth with the meaning each is to have in this class. Throughout this bulletin an asterisk(*) following the first occurrence of the word or term in any title, definition or note that reference should be made to this glossary for the specific meaning thereof.
The acute angle between the chord* of a working member* and the velocity vector of the working fluid* flow relative to the member. See Figure I. [figure]
A working member* which has a thickness dimension substantially less than its width or length, the thickness being generally uniform from edge to edge.
BLADE ANGLE The acute angle between the chord* of any section of a rotating working member* and its plane of rotation. As the blade angle usually varies from the hub to the tip, the U.S. custom is to designate blade angle numerically as that angle occurring at 75% of the radial distance from the hub to the tip. See Figures I and II. [figure] [figure]
A Load bearing structure (e.g., hub, etc.) which mounts one or more working members* and which, at least in part, partakes of the motion of the member.
The straight line in a plane normal to the longitudinal axis of a working member* joining the leading and trailing edges of the member*. See Figure I. [figure]
Comprises means for adjusting blade angle* during impeller* operation.
Wherein the blade angles of all working members* of a single impeller are adjusted simultaneously.
Wherein the blade angle of each working member of an impeller is varied for only a predetermined limited portion of each working cycle, each working member being similarly adjusted in sequence as it, in turn, reaches the predetermined portion of the working cycle. though the impeller need comprise only a single working member. IMPELLER
A device comprising at least one working member* which functions to react with a working fluid* such that action movement of the member causes reaction movement of the fluid or action movement of the fluid causes reaction movement of the working member. In its simplest form, a single impeller is considered to comprise a working member or members and any parts rigidly connected therewith whereby the impeller is supported for movement. In the case of an impeller having a working member which has relative movement with respect to another impeller part or another working member, the definition of impeller is considered to include those mechanical elements which permit or cause relative motion of the working members and at least partly partake of the motion of the working member and are closely associated therewith to form a unitary device having a unitary impelling function.
In view of the many embodiments an impeller may have, it is not possible to more definitely define the concept, but in most cases it will be apparent which elements forms part of the impeller and which elements, on the other hand, comprise support* means for the impeller of means for transmitting power to or from the impeller. In those subclasses in which the precise limits of the impeller, per se, are apt to be troublesome, an effort is made to define the impeller concept in more detail insofar as it concerns the concept of the particular subclass.
The distance an element of a rotating impeller* would advance
in one revolution if it were moving along a helix having an angle equal to the impeller blade angle*.
A structure which bears the weight of an impeller* to maintain it in operative position. The support does not partake of the working motion of the impeller (in this respect the support is different from the carrier*) but may be adjustable to various positions of use or have movement concurrent with the impeller movement as that of a rotatable or oscillating fan support.
An unconfined or undirected fluid which acts or reacts with a working member* such that movement of the fluid causes relative movement of the member or movement of the member causes relative movement of the fluid. The fluid may be quiescent or flowing and either natural (e.g., wind) or artificial (e.g., combustion gas). A patent including claimed means for confining, guiding or directing the fluid to or from an impeller* will be classified elsewhere. A waterfall has been determined to be directed fluid and an impeller claimed in combination therewith is classified elsewhere. See References to Other Classes, above.
A unitary means of which at least one surface functions to act or react with a working fluid* such that movement of the means causes movement of the fluid or movement of the fluid causes movement of the means. The working member is most commonly designated as a blade, bucket or vane.