.~ Exit chamber in radial plane axially offset from runner (e.g., sludge pump, etc.)
Classification: 415/225
Exit chamber in radial plane axially offset from runner (e.g., sludge pump, etc.):
(under subclass 182.1) Device wherein the means comprises a working fluid* flow cavity or chamber which the working fluid enters after having been acted upon by the runner*. The cavity (a) generally extends radially in a plane perpendicular to the runner's axis of rotation, and (b) is spaced from the runner in a direction parallel to the runner's axis of rotation.
(1) Note. A device merely having a working fluid flow passage which conducts the working fluid axially away from a runner is not included in this subclass.
(2) Note. This subclass includes many devices for pumping sewage or sludge.
203+, for a device comprising a casing* having a tangential inlet or outlet, which device may have a ring shaped flow cavity spaced from the runner in a direction parallel to the runner's axis of rotation.
220+, for a device comprising a casing* with an axial flow runner, which device may have a flow pipe or path of annular cross section which conducts the working fluid away from the runner.
913, for a device comprising an inlet and outlet with concentric portions.