.~ With runner having corrosion resistant or nonmetallic portion
Classification: 415/217.1
With runner having corrosion resistant or nonmetallic portion:
(under subclass 182.1) Device wherein the runner* comprises (a) metal which tends to resist or inhibit wearing away by chemical action or (b) a nonmetallic substance.
(1) Note. Examples of materials found under this definition include stainless steel, ceramics, porcelain, and glass.
(2) Note. Although it includes subject matter better suited to Class 416, Fluid Reaction Surface (i.e., Impellers), this subclass has been retained since the subject matter is not currently provided for in Class 416.
141, for a device having a flexible runner blade* which may be corrosion resistant or nonmetallic.
170.1+, for a device having a runner with a lining or wear member attached to a runner portion.
197, for a device having a passage or casing* attached removable liner or wear member of nonmetallic material.
200, for a device with a casing* wherein particular significance is attributed to the casing or vane* material. 216.1, for a device comprising working fluid* passage or distributing means with a runner shaft* of a specific material which may be corrosion resistant or nonmetallic.
416, Fluid Reaction Surfaces (i.e., Impellers),
241+, for an impeller comprising a blade structure of a specific composition which may include corrosion resistant or nonmetallic materials.