(under the class definition) Article in accordance with part (3) thereof wherein the article includes a member having a portion adapted to receive a sheet retainer*, of this class, or such member is combined by attachment (usually hinged) with one or more additional members, which members serve to at least partially cover, underlie or be disposed along the thickness surface (See Fig. 1 of Glossary) of a sheet* held by a sheet retainer.
(1) Note. A depository* which, per se, is provided for in this subclass claimed in combination with a keeper* will be placed in this or an indented subclass.
(2) Note. See References To Other Classes in the Class Definition above for other classes, not listed below, which provide for a depository including structure (e.g., drawer with guide, etc.), for its attachment to or support upon a sustainer or for cooperation with a receptacle (e.g., cabinet, rack, etc.), in combination with a sheet retainer which sheet retainer, per se, is provided for in this class.
(3) Note. A back member, per se, will be placed in this subclass whereas a member or members which are disposed along a thickness surface (See Fig. 1 of the Class Definition Glossary) and at least a portion of nonthickness surface (See Fig. 1 of the Class Definition Glossary) will be placed in subclasses 74+ (note especially subclass 76).
(4) Note. Search the appropriate subclasses above for a device including a depository in combination with a specific sheet retainer.
16, Miscellaneous Hardware, appropriate subclasses, for (1) a hinge, per se, including two or more hinge leaves with means to attach the leaves to adjoining bodies or (2) a hinge including two or more leaves in combination with nominally recited bodies.
281, Books, Strips, and Leaves,
29+, for a book (see definition of the term "book" in Class 281 Class Definition) including a cover or a book cover, per se, and subclass 19.1 for similar subject matter where the cover necessitates some modification of the body of the book.
283, Printed Matter,
64, for a book cover the physical structure of which is conventional but which bears indicia which primarily effects an intellectual impression other than the esthetic.
312, Supports: Cabinet Structure, appropriate subclasses for a cabinet adapted to house a sheet retainer.
428, Stock Material or Miscellaneous Articles, appropriate subclasses for a stock material product in the form of a single or plural layer web or sheet, especially
98+, for such a product with structure, (e.g., fold at edge or aperture), subclasses 221+ for such a product embodying a structurally defined element or component (e.g., porous or structurally defined fiber) and subclasses 411.1+ for such a product in the form of a nonstructural composite web or sheet characterized solely by the compositions of the layers.