Current as of: June, 1999
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119  DF  .~> Applicator provided with material receiver
120  DF  .~> Barometric reservoir
121  DF  .~> With means for removing surplus material from tool {1}
123  DF  .~> Tool supported out of communication with supply {2}
126  DF  .~> Applicator includes container closure or overlies material {4}


Classification: 401/118

(under the class definition) Device which comprises either a reservoir* or a retainer for solid material, and an applicator* combined with the reservoir or retainer for receiving coating material by direct contact of the tool* with the material; and in which the applicator is completely separable from the reservoir or retainer for removal of material from such reservoir or retainer and for application of the removed material to a work surface.

(1) Note. Complete separability is recognized when, for example, the applicator must be supported by one hand of the user while the source of material is supported in another way (e.g., by the other hand or by a surface), even though a tenuous connection, such as a flexible chain or strand, exists between the reservoir or retainer and the applicator.

(2) Note. An applier which is manually removed from a reservoir for coating material in order to load the tool of an applicator is not considered to be a coating tool for this class when the applicator which it loads neither is claimed nor is disclosed as being part of a structural organization including both the applier and the applicator. However, means which is removed from a reservoir of coating material in order to load the tool of an applicator is considered to be supply means when the applicator which it loads either is claimed or is disclosed as being part of a structural organization including both the loading means and the applicator.


4, for the combination of the subject matter of this subclass and further including means to agitate material in the reservoir.

18, for a device which includes diverse coating tools one of which is an applicator which is separable from the supply container for use. 191, for an implement wherein the tool is shiftable from a position in which it is in contact with a supply of material to an applying position entirely out of contact with the supply, by separation from and reconnection with, or while remaining connected to, the implement; and see the search notes thereunder.


15, Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning,

257.05+, for a supply container and means to facilitate loading an unclaimed tool.

108, Horizontally Supported Planar Surfaces,

26.2, for an inkwell which is attached to a horizontally disposed surface.

118, Coating Apparatus,

264+, for a supply source which includes a porous or absorbent member which is adapted to be contacted by an unclaimed applicator, which applicator would then be removed from the supply source for transfer to a work surface.

132, Toilet,

216+, and 320 for the combination of the subject matter of this subclass in which the applicator is a cosmetic applier having a shape peculiarly adapted to put a coating on a part of the human body in a definite shape or pattern (e.g., a bow-shaped lip rouge applicator) subclass 218 for a mascara applier that has means to shape the eyelash, and subclasses 293+ for powder box and applicator (e.g., compact).

141, Fluent Material Handling, With Receiver or Receiver Coacting Means, appropriate subclasses, particularly

30, 110+ and 311+, for the combination of an applicator and a supply container for transferring coating material thereto by force-applying means within the container. 211, Supports: Racks,

69.2+, for the combination of an ink receptacle and a pen


215, Bottles and Jars, and 220, Receptacles, appropriate subclasses, for a receptacle of general utility disclosed as a container for coating material.

222, Dispensing,

205, and 576+, for a dispenser which includes a trap chamber from which coating material may be removed by an applicator; and see the search notes to subclass 576.

312, Supports: Cabinet Structure,

232, for a cabinet structure including an inkwell.