.~ Including type-bar selection using mechanical program
Classification: 400/75
Including type-bar selection using mechanical program:
(under subclass 70) Subject matter wherein the type-face* elements are mounted on type-bar* members, and wherein the programmed-control-systems* includes an auxiliary-record-program* that is directly linked to means for actuating the type-bars for selection of the type-faces to be impressed against the record-medium*, or is directly linked to a case-shift* mechanism for choice of the upper-case* or lower-case* form of the type-face to be impressed against the record-medium.
(1) Note. In the typewriter of this subclass a plurality of type-bars are used, each type-bar carrying usually two type-faces thereon, one type-face for upper-case and another type-face for lower-case character. Also the typewriter of this subclass does not use an electrical "reader" of the program for converting the program to signals that cause actuation of the type-faces, but instead, this typewriter actuates the typefaces directly from the program.