.~ Means for correcting typing errors (e.g., by abrasive eraser, etc.) {5}
.~.~ By laser beam or adhesive-surface ribbon or chemical eradicator
Classification: 400/696
By laser beam or adhesive-surface ribbon or chemical eradicator:
(under subclass 695) Subject matter wherein the mistake is removed by (a) a laser means, or (b) a specially prepared tape that has on one surface thereof a coating to which the ink* of an imprinted character* will adhere, or (c) a chemical composition which will dissolve or remove the ink of an imprinted character.
(1) Note. The term "laser" is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, and is defined as "a device that utilizes the natural oscillation of atoms for amplifying or generating electromagnetic waves in the visible region of the spectrum".
(2) Note. The adhesive-surface ribbon" [part (b) of the definition] is used by temporarily placing it between the incorrectly imprinted character and the type-face* that was improperly used, and restriking with the same improper type-face, thereby causing the incorrectly imprinted character to adhere to the coating and be stripped from the record-medium*.