.~.~ Type-face or type-die configuration (e.g.,reverse image, boldface, piercing, etc.)
Classification: 400/466
Type-face or type-die configuration (e.g., reverse image, boldface, piercing, etc.):
(under subclass 462) Subject matter wherein significance is attributed to the shape or physical characteristics or character* imprinting characteristics of a type-face* element or of a type-die* element.
(1) Note. Among the forms of type-face or type-die found in this subclass are such exemplary elements as: a type-face for typing a reverse-image character, a piercing type-die, and embossing type-die, a type-face for boldface (i.e., thick line) imprinting, a type-face for erasing or obliterating by overprinting, a self-cleaning type-face, a stencil-cutting type-die, a miniature or an oversized type-face, etc.