(under the class definition) Subject matter wherein significance is attributed to a typewriter in which a single type-face* element is caused to be impressed against a
record-medium* to imprint a single character* symbol, the actuation of said single type-face being initiated or powered by the pressing of a plurality of key* elements on the key-board*.
(1) Note. As discussed in the definitions of character, key, and type-member* in the glossary, section III, most typewriters are provided with a mechanism whereby a single key element is selected by a typist and pressed to cause a single type-face to be impressed against a record-medium to imprint a single character on the record-medium. In a typewriter of this and indented subclasses a plurality of key elements are pressed by the typist to imprint a single character on the record-medium. This typewriter uses a "permutative" mechanism in the key-lever linkage and the type-bar* or type-head* action linkage which changes the linkages and enables a particular selection of pressed key elements to imprint a selected character and enables another particular selection of pressed key elements to imprint another selected character.