.~ Unitary with bag (e.g., element formed by hand hole) {3}
.~.~ Bag material includes aperture for rodlike support
Classification: 383/9
Bag material includes aperture for rodlike support:
(under subclass 7) Subject matter wherein the bag includes an opening in the material thereof, which opening is by disclosure to receive a slender, elongated, cylindrically-shaped support or like element.
(1) Note. A bag which includes a plurality of openings, each of which is sized to receive a rodlike support, is classified here.
(2) Note. The "lifting or suspending element" is considered to be that part of the bag, above the hand opening, which is engaged by the hand.
(3) Note. A bag having a slit which defines the perimeter of a flap which can be folded out of the plane of the bag wall to form an aperture is proper for this subclass.
7, for a bag having a unitary folded portion which can receive a rodlike support under the fold.
10, for a bag which includes an opening sized to receive more than one finger.