This is the generic class for making a determination of either (1) a characteristic or condition of an object or system utilizing heating or cooling as a significant part of the test and not provided for in other classes, or (2) a thermal quantity or condition.
This class also includes circuitry and devices with structure unique to a thermal measurement or test and not elsewhere provided for.
(1) Note. Processes and apparatus are classified together.
A thermal measurement or test made as part of a measurement
elsewhere classifiable, e.g. liquid level or flow, will be classified with the other measurement. However, a thermal measurement combined with a separate measurement, so as to provide separate determinations are classifiable herein. (See Subclass References to the Current Class, below.)
Substantially all apparatus classes include automatic control of the apparatus. Such automatic control usually involves some means to measure or test a condition or change of condition, the measuring or testing means then operating to control or regulate the apparatus in accordance with the results of the measurement or test. For such subject matter, the class appropriate to the type of apparatus controlled should be investigated.
For the organization of this class, see Subclass References to the Current Class, below. SEE OR SEARCH THIS CLASS, SUBCLASS:
1, through 28 and 43 through 57, Thermal Testing subclasses provide for determination of either a thermal characteristic of, or the thermal dependence of a nonthermal characteristic of, a test specimen. Also included herein is the thermal determination of a nonthermal property not elsewhere provided for.
29, through 42, Heat and Heat Flux Measurement subclasses provide for determination of heat energy, rate of heat transfer, and other miscellaneous thermodynamic potentials (e.g., enthalpy).
100, through 207, Temperature Measurement subclasses provide for quantitative determination of temperature and temperature-related composite quantities.
142+, for a thermal measurement combined with a separate measurement, so as to provide separate determinations.
208, and 209, Specialized Subcombinations subclasses provide for devices having structure peculiar to thermal measuring and testing which perfects, but does not perform the determination.
210, Miscellaneous subclass provides for subject matter under the class definition and not found above.
60, Power Plants,
516+, for expansion and contraction mechanisms, in general. 73, Measuring and Testing, appropriate subclasses for measuring a nonthermal variable by a thermal measurement, particularly
25.01+, for thermal gas analysis; subclasses 61.75 and 61.77 for a heat determination of the content or effect of a constituent of a liquid mixture; subclass 154 for thermal logging of a formation in a borehole; subclasses 204.11+ for thermal volume or rate of flow determination; and subclass 295 for thermal liquid level determination.
92, Expansible Chamber Devices,
34+, for a bellows chamber, per se; and subclasses 89+ for a diaphragm, per se.
99, Foods and Beverages: Apparatus,
342+, for a condition indicator for a cooking arrangement.
126, Stoves and Furnaces,
388, for a condition responsive indicator for a water heater.
128, Surgery,
736, for a diagnostic temperature measuring arrangement particularly limited by structure to shape of, or placement in or on, a living body.
137, Fluid Handling,
551+, for fluid handling with condition responsive indication. 219, Electric Heating,
248, for a flat iron with a condition responsive indicator.
236, Automatic Temperature and Humidity Regulation,
2+, for incubator control, and subclass 94 for thermostatic temperature control with an indicator.
237, Heating Systems,
3, for an incubator heating system.
250, Radiant Energy,
338+, for an infrared radiometer.
251, Valves and Valve Actuation,
11, for a heat motor actuated valve.
261, Gas and Liquid Contact Apparatus, 39, for a thermostatic carburetor.
266, Metallurgical Apparatus,
99, for a metallurgical device with a condition responsive indicator.
361, Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,
93.8, for abnormal current condition detecting by thermal sensing.
366, Agitating,
142, for agitating structure with a condition responsive indicator.
399, Electrophotography,
67+, for controls of fixing, particularly subclass 70 for temperature control of a warm-up or standby mode and subclass 94 for internal machine environment temperature.
428, Stock Material or Miscellaneous Articles,
35, for a thermometer bulb, per se; and subclass 616 for a bimetallic element, per se.
Kinetic energy of macroscopically non-observable random modes of motion of atoms and molecules.
A quantitative measure of the ability of a substance to transmit or receive heat energy.
Related to heat or temperature.
A property of matter related to heat or temperature.
Heat, temperature, or a thermodynamic quantity related thereto.
THERMAL MEASUREMENT OR TEST A determination of a thermal quantity, or a determination of a quantity made under a controlled thermal condition.