(under the class definition) Apparatus including means to penetrate the ground to loosen, lift, or remove earth from the ground containing tree, brush, stone, stump, or similar material. [figure] [caption]A - Blade, B - Brush; S - Stump; T - Digging tooth; R - Stone
(1) Note. Apparatus for cutting roots below ground for removal of the tree, brush, or stump is proper for this subclass.
30, Cutlery, for a randomly manipulated implement or machine for cutting a tree above the ground, especially
166.3+, for a saw, particularly subclass 379.5 for a vehicle mounted, randomly manipulated saw.
47, Plant Husbandry,
73+, for a plant receptacle for facilitating transplanting of a live plant, e.g., tree. 56, Harvesters,
400.01+, for a hand manipulated stone rake.
102, Ammunition and Explosives,
301+, for subject matter for removing a stump by use of an explosive.
111, Planting,
101, for an excavating transplanter.
144, Woodworking,
34.1+, for a machine for cutting a tree for timber purposes; subclass 334 for a stump removing process which does not include excavation; subclasses 335+ for timber harvesting or processing.
172, Earth Working,
681+, for plows adapted for cutting roots and incidentally loosening or lifting them, especially subclass 698 for an earth working tool with two standards which may cut roots as it passes through the earth.
198, Conveyors: Power-Driven,
506+, for hoisting stone or stump.
212, Traversing Hoists,
76+, for hoisting stone or stump.
254, Implements or Apparatus for Applying Pushing or Pulling Force,
199+, for apparatus for extracting stump.
294, Handling: Hand and Hoist-line Implements,
49+, for a hand fork or shovel; subclasses 82.1+ for a hoist line and grab hook.