A. This is the generic class for processes of and apparatus for the storage or retrieval of arbitrarily variable information (as defined in the glossary below) which is retained in a storage medium by variation of a physical characteristic thereof. The information is stored or retrieved by causing or sensing a variation of a physical characteristic of the storage medium by a transducer having relative motion along a continuous path.
(1) Note. The record carrier must have continuous physical extent over the path of movement and be able to store a time-varying information signal. Static or discrete systems are classified elsewhere (see References to Other Classes, below).
(2) Note. The characteristic variation is one which must be retrievable by a transducer. Such variation producing only a directly perceptible indication (e.g., a graph), is classified elsewhere (see References to Other Classes, below).
B. This class includes processes and apparatus for the copying or editing of a storage medium within the above definition limited to such copying or editing including a step of storage or retrieval by relative motion.
C. This class includes the record carrier, per se, having particular information storage structure.
Significantly claimed subject matter external to this class, claimed in combination with apparatus under the class definition, is classified in the class appropriate to the external apparatus. The combination of an audio signal producing device with the subject matter of this class is classified in this class, except the combination with telephone signal devices are classified elsewhere. (See References to Other Classes, below.)
Nominally claimed apparatus external to this class, claimed in combination with apparatus under the class definition, is classified herein. (See Subclass References to the Current Class, below.)
This class includes elements and subcombinations peculiar to the subject matter of this class (e.g., a phonos:graphic stylus and cartridge).
(1) Note. Subcombination devices of general utility such as piezoelectric transducers are classified elsewhere.
Electrical circuitry which may be used in dynamic storage or retrieval, but which is not unique thereto is found in the appropriate class for such circuitry.
Mechanisms forming subcombinations of storage or retrieval devices, are classified in the appropriate mechanical class.
Class 360 provides for information storage and retrieval by causing or sensing modification of a magnetic condition on a record. Class 360 is to be considered an integral part of Class 369 and follows the schedule hierarchy, retaining all
pertinent definitions and class lines, thereof. Classification in Class 360 is evidenced by either explicit recitation or sole disclosure of magnetic structure.
For the organization of this class, see Subclass References to the Current Class, below. SEE OR SEARCH THIS CLASS, SUBCLASS:
1, through 12, Combined with Independent Audio System, for a device of this class and an operatively related audio signal source of independent content. These subclasses may include specific magnetic storage or retrieval devices.
13, through 18, Diverse Types of Storage and Retrieval: for devices having differing intended kinds of storage and retrieval. These subclasses may include specific magnetic storage or retrieval devices.
53, through 58, Control Functions: for devices and processes for modifying or maintaining the storage or retrieval operation, other than for sequential storage medium selection.
53, through 58, Monitoring of Condition: for devices which indicate a condition of a storage or retrieval device or a subcombination thereof.
59, through 85, Special Purpose Devices: for devices designed for use with or control of diverse type devices, or particular processing of the information signal.
69+, for nominally claimed apparatus external to this class, claimed in combination with apparatus under the class definition.
99, through 173, General Recording or Reproducing; for methods and devices which are concerned with either the physics of storage or retrieval or processing of the information signal.
174, and 175, Signal Modification: for devices which are basically electronic in nature and are used to modify, correct, or insure the efficient storage or retrieval of information signals, and are not limited to any particular type of storage or retrieval.
176, through 257, Dynamic Mechanism Subsystems: for mechanism subcombinations peculiar to storage or retrieval absent more than nominal information handling structure.
272, through 291, Structure of Storage Medium: for structure of the storage medium element having significant structure for carrying information. 292, Miscellaneous: for subject matter under the class definition and not found above.
181, Acoustics, appropriate subclasses for nonelectrical sound wave handling systems and components.
235, Registers, for static or discrete systems. (Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, "Static or Discrete Systems"
310, Electrical Generator or Motor Structure,
300+, for piezoelectric transducers, per se.
312, Supports: Cabinet Structure,
9.1+, for phonograph cabinets without storage or retrieval structure.
340, Communications: Electrical,
692, for an alarm system having a sound reproducer.
346, Recorders, appropriate subclasses for storage of information on a medium in a directly human perceptible form. 346, Recorders, for variation producing only a directly perceptible indication (e.g., a graph). (Class Definition, (2) Note, above.)
352, Optics: Motion Pictures,
1+, for subject matter of this class combined with motion picture recording or projection.
353, Optics: Image Projectors,
15+, for image projectors with sound accompaniment.
355, Photocopying,
31, and 98 for copying optical sound records.
360, Dynamic Magnetic Information Storage or Retrieval, appropriate subclasses for magnetic storage or retrieval analogs to the subclasses following Class 18 (See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, "Dynamic Magnetic Information Storage and Retrieval, " above).
365, Static Information Storage and Retrieval, for static or discrete systems. (Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, "Static or Discrete Systems"
379, Telephonic Communications,
67.1+, for similar subject matter combined with a telephone system component; and other appropriate subclasses for electrical audio signal handling, in general. The combination of an audio signal producing device with the subject matter of this class (369) is classified in this class (369), except the combination with telephone signal devices are classified in Class 379, subclasses 67.1+. (Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, "Combinations of Other Apparatus") 381, Electrical Audio Signal Processing and Systems and Devices, appropriate subclasses for electrical audio signal handling in general.
386, Television Signal Processing for Dynamic Recording or Reproducing,
1+, for color television recording or reproducing; and subclasses 46+ for recording or reproducing with video signal processing.
399, Electrophotography,
10, for storage of data on the operation of an electrophotos:graphic device (i.e., log report) and subclass 83 for job mode selection with memory.
455, Telecommunications, appropriate subclasses for radio devices.
150+, for high temperature (Tc > 30 K) superconducting material, particularly subclasses 170+ for dynamic information storage or retrieval.
704, Data Processing: Speech Signal Processing, Linguistics, Language Translation, and Audio Compression/Decompression,
200+, for speech signal processing involving data processing.
711, Electrical Computers and Digital Processing Systems: Memory,
4, for addressing dynamic storage devices including address formation or manipulation and subclasses 111+ for data accessing and control techniques for dynamic storage devices in digital data processing systems. GLOSSARY:
A time varying physical quantity representing desired intelligence, often an audible sound or an electrical signal.
Production or reproduction of a stored information signal from the storage medium characteristics.
(1) (noun) The pattern of modulation by the information signal of the variable storage medium characteristic. (2) (verb) To effect storage of an information signal. As these terms have the same spelling the terms "store", "storage medium", and variants thereof will be preferred usage in the schedule and definitions in order to avoid confusion.
A tangible object upon which an information signal is stored, synonymous with storage medium.
Retention of information in a permanent or semipermanent form, or establishing such retention. STORAGE MEDIUM
An object having a characteristic which is, or may be, modified at positional increments in accordance with the time variation of information which is stored thereon.
A continuous path of an intelligence varied characteristic on the storage medium.
Following a storage track by a transducer assembly or a component thereof.
The combination of an energy conversion device (transducer) and device coupling the energy conversion device to a storage medium so as to sense or to cause a variation of a characteristic therein.