(under subclass 546) Subject matter including means for transferring heat from the interior of the housing to the exterior of the housing (e.g., a plurality of heat dissipating plates, an air supply passage, or a pipe-like escape hole).
96, for a fluid distributor.
217+, for an elongated source light unit or support with ventilating or cooling means.
294, for a light source and a modifier with ventilating, cooling, or heat insulating means.
345, for a reflector with ventilating or cooling means.
373, for a housing with cooling means. SEE OR SEARCH CLASS
359, Optics: Systems (Including Communications) and Elements,
512, for protection from moisture and foreign particles including humidity and temperature control.
361, Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,
688+, for a housing or mounting assembly with diverse electrical components including cooling means in general. [figure] [caption]A - Headlamp assembly; B - Lamp housing; C - Dust resistant box; D - Heat dissipating plates or ribs; E - Air circulation hoses; F - Box cover