(under subclass 459) Subject matter wherein the illuminating means is especially adapted for (1) a vehicle having two wheels one behind the other, a steering handle, and a saddle
seat or seats and usually propelled by the action of the rider's feet upon pedals, or (2) a two-wheeled self-propelled vehicle having one or two riding saddles and usually propelled by a gasoline engine.
(1) Note. The subject matter of this subclass includes nominally recited light sources as well as light units or elements of the light unit, such as an optical light modifier or a light casing support for a light, per se.
193, for a bicycle wheel driven generator.
396, for a support to attach a lamp to a bicycle.
74, Machine Element or Mechanism, 551.1+, for a bicycle handlebar and subclasses 594.1+ for a bicycle crank and pedals where no light source is involved.
224, Package and Article Carriers,
30+, for a bicycle carrier in general.
280, Land Vehicles,
200+, for a bicycle, and subclasses 847+ for a bicycle dust and mud guard.
310, Electrical Generator or Motor Structure,
67, for a bicycle hub generator, and subclasses 152+ for a permanent magnet machine.
315, Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices: Systems,
77+, for a vehicle lamp and discharge device system.
340, Communications: Electrical,
432, for a bicycle alarm or indication. [figure] [caption]A - Bicycle frame; B - Headlamp; C - Lamp support; D - Seat; E - Rear lamp; F - Bracket; G - Pedals; H - Pair of wheels; J - Handle [figure] [caption]A - Motorcycle; B - Main frame; C - Engine; D - Exhaust pipe; E - Muffler; F - Main frame cover; G - Windshield cover; H - Supplementary light; J - Headlight; K - Steering handle