.~ Counterbalanced support

Current as of: June, 1999
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382  DF  SUPPORTS {25}
401.~ Counterbalanced support {1}
402  DF  .~.~> Spring counterbalance


Classification: 362/401

(under subclass 382) Support comprising (1) supporting structure, such as a rod, which is supported by a fulcrum at some point between its ends, one portion of the rod between the fulcrum and an end of the rod being adapted for supporting the light source or light modifier and another portion of the rod between the fulcrum and the other end of the rod having means, usually adjustable for equalizing the otherwise upsetting force of the weight of the light source or modifier in order to position the light source or modifier, or (2) a system of ropes and pulleys, one end of the rope having the light source or modifier attached thereto and another end having balancing means for equalizing the force tending to move the light source.