(under subclass 257) Subject matter which includes an electric light source lamp or support therefor; a flexible extensible electric cord connected to the light source or light source support to deliver electric energy to the lamp and a cord storage device to hold the cord when not in use or to retain the excess portion of cord that is not needed at the moment; the cord being of such length as to permit the light source to be used as a portable light at varying distances from an electrical power source up to the limit of the length of the cord.
(1) Note. The line between Class 191, Electricity: Transmission to Vehicles, Class 362, Illumination, and Class 242, Winding, Tensioning, or Guiding is as follows: A claim including an in name only lamp combined with a flexible extension cord to deliver electrical energy to the lamp and a cord storage device to store the cord is in Class 191, subclasses 12+. Class 362 will take a claim to illumination structure beyond a nominal recitation of a lamp, or light unit. Class 242 which is generic to winding and reeling of
indefinite length material will not take a claim restricted to use with electrical conductors, which transmit electrical energy.