(under subclass 679) Subject matter wherein (a) at least one electronic device is a portion of a terminal used to generate a character stream to a computer or other communication device combined with housing or mounting arrangement or (b) at least one electronic device has key input means combined with housing or mounting arrangement.
(1) Note. This subclass provides for only nominal recitation of a keyboard.
178, Telegraphy,
17, for automatic transmitter or recorder with keyboard.
200, Electricity: Circuit Makers and Breakers,
5+, for similar type switches arranged in keyboard manner.
235, Registers, 145+, for keyboards comprising those parts of registers, usually manually actuated, including key, shift-keys, space bars, etc., that control and initiate the action of the calculating machine to determine what numbers shall be introduced and how; also to control subsidiary operation of the machine.
312, Supports: Cabinet Structure, appropriate subclass for keyboard supports or furniture without a keyboard.
340, Communications: Electrical,
706+, for keyboard in conjunction with CRTs or selectable display units having structural details of a keyboard, CRT, or selectable display unit.
341, Coded Data Generation or Conversion,
22+, for (a) keyboards having a control element which an operator physically contacts to control the transmission or
generation of a coded set of pulses or (b) keyboards with structural detail and give an indication of key operation which may be heard or felt by an operator.
400, Typewriting Machines,
472+, for keyboard or key lever actuating mechanism.