.~ Having area increasing means (e.g., spiniferous, metal ball on top)
Classification: 343/899
(under subclass 700) Subject matter wherein the antenna is so formed as to present a larger surface to the radio wave transmitting medium; or wherein additional elements are combined with the antenna for increasing the surface presented to the radio wave propagating medium; or wherein elements are provided which are adapted to be electrically connected to the antenna to increase the surface presented to the radio wave propagating medium.
(1) Note. Examples of this area increasing structure are a spiniferous shaped antenna and a metal mass such as a ball on the free end of a rod type antenna.
749+, for antennas with lumped inductance or capacity for loading.
795, and 807, for sheet or wing type doublets, and tapered, thick, or enlarged doublets, respectively.
802, for balanced center-fed doublet antennas with distributed reactance added to the doublet arms.
811, for fish-bone type arrays of balanced center-fed doublet antennas. 828, for antennas of significant electrical length having a nonuniformity therein.
831, for stub type antennas of significant electrical length.
896, for cage type antennas formed of rods or wires.
898, for hollow metallic body type antennas.
908, for antenna components having a distinctive contour or shape.