(under subclass 700) Antennas having a signal, indicator or alarm responsive to a condition of the antenna or its components.
(1) Note. Patents within the subclass definition involving testing are classified in this subclass if the testing involves indicating as herein defined.
(2) Note. Patents within the subclass definition which involve measuring of the signal energy in addition to indicating are not classified here but in subclass 703, above.
703, for antennas having means for measuring and testing a condition of the antenna.
721, for antennas with lights which do not indicate a condition of the antenna.
760, for antennas having means for scanning, sweeping, or orienting together with a signal, indicator or alarm for such scanning, sweeping or orienting. SEE OR SEARCH CLASS
33, Geometrical Instruments, pertinent subclasses, for gauges or other means which may be used in the indication of length,
etc.., for extensible antennas.
73, Measuring and Testing, for measuring and testing processes and apparatus in general.
116, Signals and Indicators, for mechanical signals, alarms and indicators in general.
324, Electricity: Measuring and Testing, for electrical measuring and testing.
340, Communications: Electrical, for electrical signaling devices in general.