.~ Plural antennas spaced a fractional or full wave length apart
Classification: 343/844
(under subclass 700) Subject matter including a plurality of antennas spaced a physical distance apart, which distance is an appreciable part of a wave length or number of wave lengths at the operating frequency of the antennas; or including a plurality of antennas combined with structure which of necessity results in the antennas being spaced a physical distance apart, which distance is an appreciable part of a wave length or number of wave lengths at the operating frequency of the antennas.
(1) Note. For classification in this subclass the claims must either recite the antennas being spaced a particular part of a wave length or number of wave lengths at the operating frequency; or spaced a particular distance, which from the specification would establish the spacing of the antennas as a particular part of a wave length or number of wave lengths at the operating frequency; or the antennas being connected, supported or separated by structure which establishes a particular wave length spacing of the antennas.
(2) Note. Patents claiming a plurality of antennas connected by fractional or multiple wave length transmission lines or other structures which would constitute electrical coupling are not classified in this subclass unless they also claim the physical spacing of the antennas, but are found in subclasses 852 and 853+.
(3) Note. A mere recitation of the relationship between the
spacings of respective antennas of an array (e.g., increasing distances or unequal distances between antennas) is not sufficient for classification in this subclass. For classification here, the particular spacing in operating wave length between two antennas is necessary.
725+, for plural separate diverse type antennas, which may be spaced a particular wave length apart. 770+, for plural slot type antennas, whose slots may be spaced a particular wave length apart.
776+, for plural wave guide type antennas, which may be spaced a particular wave length apart.
794, 796, 797+, 799+, and 810+, for balanced doublet antennas which may be spaced a particular wave length apart.
824, for planar type high frequency arrays.
826+, for plural fractional, multiple, or full wave linear antennas, which may be spaced a particular wave length apart.
835, for plural active antennas with reflectors.
852, and 853+, for plural antennas with a coupling network or impedance in the leadin. See also (2) Note, above.
867, for plural loop antennas.
879, for plural separate antennas with a support.
893, for plural antennas, including those of no particular type, and having no particular spacing or coupling. Antennas in particular patterns or arrangements are classified here. See also the Search Notes to this subclass.
342, Communications: Directive Radio Wave Systems and Devices (e.g., Radar, Radio Navigation), 1, 205 for directive signaling systems which may involve plural antennas spaced a particular wavelength apart.