(under subclass 793) Subject matter wherein each of the separate conductive masses constitutes a rod having a bend or curve therein remote from the lead-in terminal to constitute a change in direction of the rod, and all portions on both sides of the bend being radiators or collectors of radio wave energy.
(1) Note. Subject matter involving a mere loop in the conductive mass where the direction of the active radiating or collecting member resumes its original direction in a straight line and where such loop is itself not an active part of the radiating member, but serves, for example, merely as a phasing or loading means is not classified in this subclass but in such subclasses as 801 and 802.
733, and 736, for traveling wave type antennas in the form of a rhombus and inverted V, respectively.
803+, for folded doublet type antennas.
899, for antennas with area increasing means such as spiniferous.