(under subclass 700) Subject matter including magnetic material which modifies the inductance of the active portion of the antenna.
(1) Note. The magnetic material may be in the path of the radio waves to or from the active portion of the antenna, or in a permanent magnet or energized magnet which increases the magnetic field around the active portion of the antenna.
(2) Note. Magnetic material in the coupling circuit, such as a magnetic core coupling transformer, is not sufficient for classification here. Such subject matter with an antenna in general is found in subclasses 850+, below.
(3) Note. See (2) Note under subclass 866 below for the line between loop antennas and the inductor devices classified in Class 336, Inductor Devices.
745+, for antennas with reactance for tuning the antenna.
850+, for antennas having a coupling network or impedance in the leadin which may involve inductors having magnetic material such as iron cores. SEE OR SEARCH CLASS
336, Inductor Devices, appropriate subclasses for inductors involving magnetic material, and
110, where the inductor is combined with a permanent magnet.