(under subclass 767) Subject matter wherein structure is provided for modifying the transmission characteristic of a slot or its coupling, the structure being normally operated in a cyclical or repetitive manner.
(1) Note. Examples of the subject matter of this subclass are variable width wave guide coupling, or variable length wave guide coupling, or a movable shutter in front of or behind the slot or in the wave guide coupling. The purpose of this modification of the transmission characteristic is usually for scanning, sweeping or orienting the antenna pattern.
(2) Note. In the subject matter of this subclass physical motion of parts of the antenna may occur for control of the transmission characteristic for scanning, sweeping or orienting the pattern. However, where the antenna and/or its reflector moves as a unit or where relative motion occurs between the active antenna and its reflector for scanning, sweeping or orienting the antenna pattern, classification is in subclasses 757+.
757+, for directive antennas with means for moving the antenna for scanning, sweeping or orienting. See also (2) Note, above.
777, for plural wave guide type antennas with control of the individual antennas. 854, for antennas with adjustable coupling.
876, for antennas with switching between the antennas and the associated lines.
342, Communications: Directive Radio Wave Systems and Devices (e.g., Radar Radio Navigation),
422+, and subclasses 428+ for direction finding receivers with effectively moveable directional patterns.