.~ Measuring signal energy

Current as of: June, 1999
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700 R  DF  ANTENNAS {58}
703.~ Measuring signal energy


Classification: 343/703

(under subclass 700) Subject matter wherein the antenna is combined with structure which tells the magnitude of the signal energy flowing to, in, or from the antenna, and wherein a significant relationship exists between the antenna and this measuring structure.

(1) Note. Patents within the general subclass definition involving testing are classified in this subclass, if the testing involves measuring as herein defined.

(2) Note. Antennas combined with a signal, indicator, or alarm which indicates some condition of the antenna are classified in subclasses 760 and 894 below. Also, patents within the general definition involving testing are classified in subclass 894 below, if the testing involves indicating as there specified without measuring.

(3) Note. See (1) and (2) Notes above for statements concerning testing.

(4) Note. A significant relationship may exist when the measuring structure and active antenna share a common detail, or when the measuring device is coupled to the antenna where the voltage or current is critical, such as a standing wave node or anti-node, or when details peculiar to an antenna are necessary for the operation of measuring structure. See also Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, Measuring and Testing, under the class definition for this class (343).


324, Electricity: Measuring and Testing, particularly 76.11+, for measuring electrical energy generally.

342, Communications: Directive Radio Wave Systems and Devices (e.g., Radar, Radio Navigation),

417+, for direction finding receivers which involve, in addition to the measuring structure responsive to the magnitude of the signal energy, structure for showing the location of a remote signal source.

455, Telecommunications,

67.1+, and 226.1 for means for testing and calibrating radio systems and/or receivers.