This is the generic class for (1) the separation of liquids
from solids, i.e., drying; (2) the contacting of solids with either, or both, gases or vapors; and (3) feather treatment.
It has both process and apparatus not elsewhere provided for but no products thereof. When a product is claimed it is classified in the class appropriate thereto and cross-referenced here for the process or apparatus.
In the definitions of this class, "material" means that which is undergoing treatment, which may be of any kind or form and includes the living body.
The lines between Class 34 and other classes are in the notes below and also in References To OTher Classes, below.
(0.5) Note. Class 134, Cleaning and Liquid Contact With Solids, is the generic class for contacting solid material with liquids, and see the line with Class 34 in Lines With Other Classes in the class definition of Class 134. (1) NOTE TO THIS SECTION
(1) Note. Material heating and heat generating classes that have lines with Class 34 are referenced to this (1) Note in the search notes in References to Other Classes, below.
(2) Note. The following classes are superior to this class (34) and takes the subject matter there provided for, even though involving drying and/or gas or vapor contact with solids:
Class 8, Bleaching and Dyeing; Fluid Treatment and Chemical Modification of Textiles and Fibers.
Class 12, Boot and Shoe Making, has the following line: Processes and apparatus for drying only are in Class 34. Where in addition to the drying there are steps of or means for shoe manufacture, the patents are in Class 12. Class 12 also includes (see particularly subclasses 1, 41.1, 41.3, and 41.5) processes and apparatus for treating shoes or shoe parts by steam or other vapors, moisture or moist air to temper or soften the shoes.
Class 19, Textiles: Fiber Preparation.
Class 26, Textiles: Cloth Finishing. Subclasses 71+ take cloth drying or heating with means for expanding (e.g., stretching, spreading) a running length web of the cloth; or steps for applying a stretching or spreading force to the
fabric in addition to that incidental to mere feed of the fabric through the machine.
Class 28, Textiles: Manufacturing, subclasses 217+ for thread finishing combined with drying.
Class 38, Textiles: Ironing or Smoothing, has processes and apparatus for producing a smooth appearance on the surface of a textile article or fabric, most of which necessarily produce a concurrent drying action and some of which have gas or vapor contact means, particularly subclasses 3, 14+ and 77.1+.
Class 43, Fishing, Trapping, and Vermin Destroying. See particularly subclasses 124+ for destruction of vermin by gases and vapors. Class 44, Fuel and Related Composition.
Class 47, Plant Husbandry.
Class 48, Gas: Heating and Illuminating.
Class 57, Textiles: Spinning, Twisting, and Twining.
Class 65, Glass Manufacturing.
Class 66, Textiles: Knitting.
Class 68, Textiles: Fluid Treating Apparatus, particular attention being called to subclasses 5+ for textile gas or vapor treating apparatus; subclasses 19+ for drying combinations, and subclasses 241+ for wringers, per se.
Class 71, Chemistry: Fertilizers.
Class 72, Metal Deforming, subclasses 41+ for disclosure of work lubricating.
Class 75, Specialized Metallurgical Processes, Compositions for Use Therein, Consolidated Metal Powder Compositions, and Loose Metal Particulate Mixtures.
Class 87, Textiles: Braiding, Netting, and Lace Making.
Class 99, Foods and Beverages: Apparatus, (1) takes apparatus for treating food materials, in which, in addition to drying and/or gas or vapor contact there are additional means for performing additional treating operations on food (for example, adding ingredients, comminuting, forming, etc.); (2) takes apparatus for treating foods by gas or vapor contact for moistening. See Class 99, subclasses 468+ for apparatus of that class type providing an enclosed modified atmosphere, and subclasses 516+ for the application of treating fluid. Class 101, Printing. Note particularly subclasses 416.1+ and the notes thereto.
Class 106, Compositions: Coating or Plastic.
Class 109, Safes, Bank Protection, or a Related Device, subclasses 20 and 29+.
Class 127, Sugar, Starch, and Carbohydrates.
Class 132, Toilet.
Class 139, Textiles: Weaving.
Class 140, Wireworking.
Class 144, Woodworking, see particularly subclasses 50+, 254 and 271.
Class 148, Metal Treatment.
Class 149, Explosive and Thermic Compositions or Charges.
156, Adhesive Bonding and Miscellaneous Chemical Manufacture. 159, Concentrating Evaporators, for drying apparatus or processes which start with a liquid suspension or solution of solids and concentrate the same, even though carried to the point of complete dryness of the solids.
162, Paper Making and Fiber Liberation, for combination of drying or gas or vapor contact with solids combined with a paper making or fiber liberation step there provided for; see especially subclasses 290, 359 and 375+ for such combinations including heating or heat exchange means.
169, Fire Extinguishers, for such apparatus and processes, per se, Class 34 having combinations involving such subject matter; see particularly subclasses 43+, 83 and 90.
196, Mineral Oils: Apparatus, for apparatus for the treatment of mineral oils.
201, Distillation: Processes, Thermolytic. See Lines With Other Classes of the class definition of Class 201 for the line.
202, Distillation: Apparatus, and see Lines With Other Classes to the class definition of Class 202 for the line.
203, Distillation: Processes, Separatory. See Lines With Other Classes of the class definition of Class 203 for the line.
204, Chemistry: Electrical and Wave Energy.
208, Mineral Oils: Processes and Products, for processes of treating and preparing mineral oils including their
separation from sands, coal or shales.
245, Wire Fabrics and Structure.
252, Compositions, particularly subclasses 60 and 61, for physical separation agents. 260, Chemistry of Carbon Compounds. It is noted that the removal of water of crystallization is considered a chemical manufacturing operation for Class 260.
264, Plastic and Nonmetallic Article Shaping or Treating: Processes, the line between Classes 34 and 264 in regard to processes for spinning (by extrusion) and drying the extruded filament in a significant manner, is that Class 34 takes such inventions when the extrusion step is not significantly claimed. Class 264 takes methods, per se, for treating a plastic body with a vapor to smooth or polish the surface, subclass 341.
266, Metallurgical Apparatus, subclasses 251+ for means treating solid metal objects by contacting the object with a gas to bring about a metallurgical change in the object, e.g., gas quenching.
270, Sheet-Material Associating.
291, Track Sanders, particularly subclasses 3+, 18, and 19+.
396, Photography, subclass 579 for the use of a gaseous fluid treating apparatus in photography.
399, Electrophotography, subclass 338 for fixing an image to a copy medium by heat contact.
404, Road Structure, Process, or Apparatus, subclasses 83+.
422, Chemical Apparatus and Process Disinfecting, Deodorizing, Preserving, or Sterilizing, has the following line with Class 34: Processes and Apparatus for preserving, disinfecting, or sterilizing by drying only, or drying combined with special ray treatment only, are in Class 34. Where in addition to the drying and/or special ray treatment steps or apparatus, there are additional steps or apparatus to perform disinfecting, deodorizing, preserving, or sterilizing, the patent is placed in Class 422, or placed in classes which provided for the additional combined operations, e.g., Class 8, Bleaching and Dyeing; Fluid Treatment and Chemical Modification of Textiles and Fibers, or Class 427, Coating Processes, etc.
423, Chemistry of Inorganic Compounds, it is noted that the removal of water of crystallization is considered a chemical reaction for Class 423.
424, Drug, Bio-Affecting and Body Treating Compositions. 425, Plastic Article or Earthenware Shaping or Treating: Apparatus, appropriate subclass for shaping or reshaping apparatus for plastic material combined with drying means, especially subclasses 72.1+ for a shaping orifice and downstream gaseous treating means and subclasses 73+ for such apparatus combined with a ventilating hood or chamber.
426, Food or Edible Material: Processes, Compositions, and Products, (1) takes all.
430, Radiation Imagery Chemistry: Process, Composition, or Product Thereof.
435, Chemistry: Molecular Biology and Microbiology, subclasses 283.1+, particularly subclass 284.1, for apparatus for preserving differentiated tissue or organs; subclass 307.1 for apparatus for preserving micro-organisms and subclass 308.1 for apparatus for separating micro-organisms from culture media.
460, Crop Threshing or Separating.
493, Manufacturing Container or Tube From Paper; or Other Manufacturing From a Sheet or Web.
502, Catalyst, Solid Sorbent or Support, Therefor: Product or Process of Making, subclasses 20+ for a process of regenerating or reactivating a catalyst or sorbent, other than mere drying.
504, Plant Protecting and Regulating Compositions.
516, Colloid Systems and Wetting Agents; Subcombinations Thereof; Process of Making, Stabilizing, Breaking, or Inhibiting, subclasses 113+ for compositions for or subcombination compositions for or breaking of or inhibiting of colloid systems (e.g., foam breaking, emulsion breaking, dispersion inhibiting, suspension settling, gel breaking, smoke suppressing, coagulating, flocculating), when generically claimed or when there is no hierarchically superior provision in the USPC for the specifically claimed art.
585, Chemistry of Hydrocarbon Compounds, subclass 15 for synthesis of a hydrocarbon hydrate with subsequent removal of water therefrom.
588, Hazardous or Toxic Waste Destruction or Containment, this is the generic class for destroying or containing any form of nonradioactive hazardous or toxic waste.
607, Surgery: Light, Thermal, and Electrical Application, see particularly subclasses 1+. (3) NOTE TO THIS SECTION
(3) Note. The classes with special types of Class 34 subject
matter or combinations involving such subject matter not treated above are referenced to this (3) Note in the search notes in References to Other Classes, below.
(4) Note. The classes that take the subcombinations of Class 34 subject matter there provided for are referenced to this (4) Note in the search notes in References to Other Classes, below.
4, Baths, Closets, Sinks, and Spittoons, has such subject matter having as a part thereof means to dry and/or contact with gases or vapors particularly
111.1+, for dry closets with driers or burners, subclasses 524+ for vapor or hot air baths, and subclasses 209+ for ventilating means. (special types of Class 34 subject matter or combinations. See (3) Note of Lines With Other Classes)
5, Beds, appropriate subclasses particularly
421, 690, or 724+ for mattress ventilation, inspection or heating. (special types of Class 34 subject matter or combinations. See (3) Note of Lines With Other Classes)
15, Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning, has the characters of apparatus there provided for, even though the sole disclosed function is for drying. Relative to the air blast and suction apparatus, those which remove liquids by an air blast or suction cleaner action are in Class 15 and those which remove liquids by evaporative action are in Class 34. Apparatus for drying and/or gas or vapor contact with solids involving the types of operations for Class 15 in combination with other types for Class 34 are placed in Class 34. Apparatus involving Class 15 type structures (excepting the situation outlined in the first and third sentences of this paragraph) combined with Class 34 type structures are placed in Class 15. (special types of Class 34 subject matter or combinations. See (3) Note of Lines With Other Classes) 30, Cutlery,
34.05, and 123 and their indented subclass, particularly subclasses 41, 128+ and 140, has cutlery combined with driers and/or gas or vapor contact means built as part of the structure thereof. (special types of Class 34 subject matter or combinations. See (3) Note of Lines With Other Classes)
36, Boot, Shoes, and Leggings,
2.6, and 3, has heated and ventilated boots and shoes. (special types of Class 34 subject matter or combinations)
51, Abrasive Tool Making Process, Material, or Composition, for an abrasive tool making process involving drying and/or gas or vapor contact with solids. (special types of Class 34 subject matter or combinations. See (3) Note of Lines With Other Classes)
52, Static Structures (e.g., Buildings) (Class taking subcombinations of Class 34 matter. See (4) Note of Lines With Other Classes above)
62, Refrigeration, has apparatus and processes for separating liquids from other materials by refrigerating operations, Class 34 having the same combined with other apparatus or processes for drying and/or gas or vapor contact with solids. (special types of Class 34 subject matter or combinations. See (3) Note of Lines With Other Classes)
95, Gas Separation: Processes, appropriate subclasses (a) for the separation of a gas from a fluid mixture in combination with the regeneration of the separating media by drying or by gas or vapor contact and (b) the subcombination of the separation of a gas from a fluid mixture. (special types of Class 34 subject matter or combinations. See (3) Note of Lines With Other Classes)
96, Gas Separation: Apparatus, appropriate subclasses (a) for apparatus for the separation of a gas from a fluid mixture in combination with means to regenerate the separating media by drying or by gas or vapor contact and (b) the subcombination of apparatus for the separation of a gas from a fluid mixture. (special types of Class 34 subject matter or combinations. See (3) Note of Lines With Other Classes)
99, Foods and Beverages: Apparatus, Line with Class 34. Class 99 takes all cooking apparatus. (Material heating and heat generating class. See (1) Note of Lines With Other Classes)
100, Presses, appropriate subclasses for presses not elsewhere provided for, and particularly 92+, for presses combined with means to heat the material. Class 100 has expressing of liquids from material, per se, (particularly in subclasses 104+) and expressing combined with heating of the materials undergoing expressing. Expressing combined with drying of the solids other than by heating necessary for expressing is in Class 34. (special types of Class 34 subject matter or combinations. See (3) Note of Lines With Other Classes)
105, Railway Rolling Stock, particularly
160.5, and 451. (Class taking subcombinations of Class 34 matter. See (4) Note of Lines With Other Classes above)
110, Furnaces, has solid fuel furnaces with means for drying the fuel burned and/or with means to contact the fuel with
gases or vapors as an incident to burning, and corresponding processes. (Material heating and heat generating class. See (1) Note of Lines With Other Classes)
118, Coating Apparatus,
58+, for coating apparatus combined with means to heat, dry, cool or contact the work with a noncoating gas or vapor, and subclasses 715+ for apparatus for coating work with a gas or vapor other than steam. Coating or impregnating with steam is in Class 34. Apparatus for treating a coating with a solvent vapor, per se, to smooth, polish or coalesce the coating is in Class 34. (special types of Class 34 subject matter or combinations. See (3) Note of Lines With Other Classes)
122, Liquid Heaters and Vaporizers, having means to dry the solid fuel burned and/or with means to contact the fuel with gases or vapors as an incident to burning, and corresponding processes. (Material heating and heat generating class. See (1) Note of Lines With Other Classes)
126, Stoves and Furnaces, has: (1) Solid Fuel burning subcombinations having means to dry the solid fuel burned and/or with means to contact the fuel with gases or vapors as an incident to burning and corresponding processes. (2) Combination of fuel (solid or fluid) burners with means to apply heat or general utility, having no means specialized for drying, and corresponding processes. If a patent has any claim restricted to a drying process, the patent is placed in Class 34 and cross-referenced to Class 126 for the heating apparatus. (Material heating and heat generating class. See (1) Note of Lines With Other Classes)
131, Tobacco. Line with Class 34: (1) Processes of drying and/or treating tobacco with gases and/or vapors both, per se, and combined with other treatments are in Class 131. (2) Tobacco drying apparatus combined with means to perform other operations is in Class 131. (3) Tobacco drying apparatus, per se, is in Class 34. (special types of Class 34 subject matter or combinations. See (3) Note of Lines With Other Classes)
135, Tent, Canopy, Umbrella, or Cane. (Class taking subcombinations of Class 34 matter. See (4) Note of Lines With Other Classes above)
138, Pipes and Tubular Conduits. (Class taking subcombinations of Class 34 matter. See (4) Note of Lines With Other Classes above) 141, Fluent Material Handling, With Receiver or Receiver Coacting Means. (Class taking subcombinations of Class 34 matter. See (4) Note of Lines With Other Classes above)
164, Metal Founding, appropriate subclasses for processes and apparatus for mold forming and drying. (special types of Class 34 subject matter or combinations. See (3) Note of Lines With Other Classes)
165, Heat Exchange. The line with Class 34 is: (1) Class 34 takes all patents having any claim restricted to a process of drying. (2) Class 34 takes all patents having any claim restricted to a process which involves contacting a solid undergoing treatment with a gas or vapor. (3) Class 165 takes all heat exchange processes not limited as in (1) or (2) above. (4) Class 34 takes apparatus for exchanging heat between fluent materials combined with added means for drying and/or contacting solids undergoing treatment with gases or vapors. (5) Class 165 has apparatus exchanging heat between fluent materials not having the added features set forth in (4) above, even though discharge of gases or vapors to an enclosure is claimed, where there is no means to promote contact with solids and/or to handle solids therein. (Material heating and heat generating class. See (1) Note of Lines With Other Classes)
174, Electricity: Conductors and Insulators, has drying means constituting a part of the structure, particularly
8+,. (special types of Class 34 subject matter or combinations. See (3) Note of Lines With Other Classes)
192, Clutches and Power-Stop Control, (Class taking subcombinations of Class 34 matter. See (4) Note of Lines With Other Classes above)
193, Conveyors, Chutes, Skids, Guides, and Ways. (Class taking subcombinations of Class 34 matter. See (4) Note of Lines With Other Classes above)
198, Conveyors: Power-Driven. (Class taking subcombinations of Class 34 matter. See (4) Note of Lines With Other Classes above)
201, Distillation: Processes, Thermolytic. See Lines With Other Classes of the class definition of Class 201 for the line. (Material heating and heat generating class. See (1) Note of Lines With Other Classes)
202, Distillation: Apparatus. See Lines With Other Classes of the class definition of Class 202 for the line. (Material heating and heat generating class. See (1) Note of Lines With Other Classes)
203, Distillation: Processes, Separatory. See Lines With Other Classes of the class definition of Class 203 for the line. (Material heating and heat generating class. See (1) Note of Lines With Other Classes) 209, Classifying, Separating, and Assorting Solids, has the combination with drying, particularly
2, 3, 10, and 11, except where the sole separation is of a portion of the material for recirculation for further drying, which is in Class 34, particularly subclasses 10, 11, 57, and
102, and those patents in which the treating gas or vapor may incidentally carry away some solids where no classifying, separating or assorting is intended, even though such solids may be separated from the gas or vapor, are in subclasses 26+, 32, and 79+. Class 209 has all processes and apparatus for contacting solids with gases or vapors for the purposes of such class see subclasses 132+. (special types of Class 34 subject matter or combinations. See (3) Note of Lines With Other Classes)
210, Liquid Purification or Separation has (1) apparatus for separating or treating liquids mixed with solids, which mixture is in a flowable condition, see particularly
175+, for separators combined with means to heat the separator. Class 34 takes such separators and corresponding processes when combined with additional and independent driers or means to contact the separated solids with gas. (2) Class 210 also takes centrifugal extractors having a perforate wall surrounding the material or article to be separated from a liquid and Class 34, in subclasses 8 and 58+, takes centrifugal separators having means to support an article but not provided with a perforate wall (and corresponding processes where no filtration is defined).
211, Supports: Racks. (Class taking subcombinations of Class 34 matter. See (4) Note of Lines With Other Classes above)
219, Electric Heating,
600+, for inductive heating, subclasses 678+ for microwave heating, subclasses 764+ for capacitive dielectric heating, and subclass 50, has metal heating even though involving gas or vapor contact with the metal heated. Note especially subclasses 72+ subclasses 200+ has electric heating means combined with means to apply heat of general utility, having no means specialized for drying, and corresponding processes; see particularly subclass 280 for liquid and gas heaters, subclasses 391+ for ovens. If a patent has claim restricted to a drying process, it is placed in Class 34 and cross-referenced to Class 219 for the heating apparatus, except that if the claimed process is in fact no more than electric heating of the work the patent is classified in Class 219. (Material heating and heat generating class. See (1) Note of Lines With Other Classes)
221, Article Dispensing, appropriate subclasses for article dispensers not otherwise provided for. Class 221 takes subcombinations of Class 34 subject matter as relate to article dispensing (feeding) devices, per se. See the class definition of Class 221 for the disposition of other related art. (Class taking subcombinations of Class 34 matter. See (4) Note of Lines With Other Classes above)
222, Dispensing, and see the reference to Class 34, under section 24 of the main class definition for the line. (Class taking subcombinations of Class 34 matter. See (4) Note of
Lines With Other Classes above)
223, Apparel Apparatus, and see Note (6) to the main class definition thereof for the line with Class 34. (special types of Class 34 subject matter or combinations. See (3) Note of Lines With Other Classes) 226, Advancing Material of Indeterminate Length, appropriate subclasses for methods of, and apparatus for, feeding material without utilizing the leading or trailing ends to effect movement of the material. (Class taking subcombinations of Class 34 matter. See (4) Note of Lines With Other Classes above)
236, Automatic Temperature and Humidity Regulation, has such means and corresponding processes not involving specific characteristics of the apparatus or process steps for this class (34). (special types of Class 34 subject matter or combinations. See (3) Note of Lines With Other Classes)
237, Heating Systems. The line with Class 34 is: (1) Class 34 takes all processes limited to drying. (2) Class 237 takes processes of heating enclosures, not limited to drying. (3) Class 34 takes the combination of a heating system not claiming combustion heating means in combination with means to apply the heat and/or the heated gases or vapors to solids or such means in combination with material handling or supporting means. For such combinations with combustion heating means, see Class 432, Heating. (4) Class 237 takes the heating system subcombination and in combination with an enclosure to be heated. (Material heating and heat generating class. See (1) Note of Lines With Other Classes)
241, Solid Material Comminution or Disintegration, appropriate subclasses, for solid material comminution combined with either drying or gas and vapor contact. Where the material handling means has no special features of construction to cause comminution (as feeding means, agitating means, etc.), the patent is in Class 34, even though incidental breaking up of the material may occur. See section 6 of the main class definition of Class 241. (special types of Class 34 subject matter or combinations. See (3) Note of Lines With Other Classes)
242, Winding, Tensioning, or Guiding. (Class taking subcombinations of Class 34 matter. See (4) Note of Lines With Other Classes above)
248, Supports. (Class taking subcombinations of Class 34 matter. See (4) Note of Lines With Other Classes above)
261, Gas and Liquid Contact Apparatus. (Class taking subcombinations of Class 34 matter. See (4) Note of Lines With Other Classes above)
312, Supports: Cabinet Structure, has the structure of such devices, including those combined with static gas or vapor
treating means in
31, and see note (1) to the definition of subclasses 31+ for the line. Cabinet structures combined with ventilating means are in subclass 166 and with heater for purposes other than drying, are in subclass 167. (special types of Class 34 subject matter or combinations. See (3) Note of Lines With Other Classes)
312, Supports: Cabinet Structure,
31+, for cabinets with gas or vapor treatment of material, subclass 213 for cabinets with ventilated or foraminous walls, subclass 214 for cabinets with spaced or insulated walls, subclass 229 for cabinets with drains and subclass 236 for cabinets with heat exchange means. (Class taking subcombinations of Class 34 matter. See (4) Note of Lines With Other Classes above) 366, Agitating. The line with Class 34 is: Class 34 takes all patents having any claim restricted to a drying process. Class 366 takes agitating processes not limited to drying. Class 366 takes agitators, per se, including agitators in which the mixing is through the medium of a fluid fed for mixing and not drying purposes, agitators with means to dry materials prior to feeding to and/or subsequent to discharge from the agitator, agitators combined with means to heat the material during agitation for purposes other than drying, and agitators with means to incorporate a fluid (including a gas) in the final product. Class 34 has drying apparatus and apparatus for contacting solids with gases or vapors, even though agitating means is included, not classifiable in Class 366, under (3). (special types of Class 34 subject matter or combinations. See (3) Note of Lines With Other Classes)
373, Industrial Electrical Heating Furnaces. Line with Class 34: (1) Class 34 takes all patents claiming a process of drying, even though electric furnace structure is also claimed. (2) Class 373 takes electric furnace processes of heating, not limited to drying. (3) Class 373 takes electric furnace structures.(Material heating and heat generating class. See (1) Note of Lines With Other Classes)
406, Conveyors: Fluid Current, for such conveyors and processes having no means or steps for drying and/or contacting solids with gases or vapors in addition to those required for fluid current conveying. (Class taking subcombinations of Class 34 matter. See (4) Note of Lines With Other Classes above)
414, Material or Article Handling. (Class taking subcombinations of Class 34 matter. See (4) Note of Lines With Other Classes above)
426, Food or Edible Material: Processes, Compositions, and Products, for processes. Line with Class 34. (1) Class 34 takes the drying, per se, of edible material.(2) Class 426,
takes the cooking and roasting of foods, gas or vapor contact for moistening edible material and a food working step combined with a gas or vapor contact with a solid (edible material). (Material heating and heat generating class. See (1) Note of Lines With Other Classes)
427, Coating Processes,
372.2+, for processes of drying a coating. Processes of coating portions of a substrate to shield the substrate against drying are provided for in this class, subclass 9. (special types of Class 34 subject matter or combinations. See (3) Note of Lines With Other Classes)
431, Combustion. (Class taking subcombinations of Class 34 matter. See (4) Note of Lines With Other Classes above)
432, Heating,
1+, for a residual heating process, even though involving gas or vapor contact with solids, not limited to drying; subclasses 159+ for the combination of a specific combustion products generator and means providing for contact between work and the generated products; subclass 198 for apparatus heating work in an externally heated closed chamber while in contact with a protective or treating gas; and appropriate subclasses for a drier with specific combustion heating means claimed and for residual heating apparatus. (Material heating and heat generating class. See (1) Note of Lines With Other Classes)
451, Abrading, particularly 56, for a process of making or treating an abrasive tool which may involve drying and/or gas or vapor contact with solids. (special types of Class 34 subject matter or combinations. See (3) Note of Lines With Other Classes)
454, Ventilation, attention being called to ventilated storage chambers,
173+,. (Class taking subcombinations of Class 34 matter. See (4) Note of Lines With Other Classes above)
494, Imperforate Bowl: Centrifugal Separators, appropriate subclasses for apparatus and process for breaking up a mixture of fluids or fluent substances into two or more components by centrifuging within a generally solid-walled, receptacle-like member. Included therein is the separation of a particulate solid from a liquid; however, such drying as may concurrently take place is secondary to the recovery of one or the other or both, of the components. Specifically provided for therein are certain aspects of the separating apparatus such as means for exchanging heat, means for furnishing an auxiliary fluid, and so forth. (special types of Class 34 subject matter or combinations. See (3) Note of Lines With Other Classes)