(under subclass 68) Subject matter wherein, in the variable resistor, a definite mathematical relationship exists between movement of the resistor actuating means and the value of the resistance appearing across the resistor terminals.
(1) Note. Examples of the relationship appearing in this
subclass are sinusoidal and logarithmic. A mere tapered variable resistor is not classified here (see search this class, subclass notes below), unless the definite mathematic relationship that the taper produces is recited in the specification or claims.
135, for mechanically variable resistors with zero setting or phasing.
138+, for mechanically variable resistors having a tapered element. See also (1) Note, above.
217+, for tapered resistors generally. SEE OR SEARCH CLASS
235, Registers,
61+, for resistors having a mathematical characteristic in a calculator.
323, Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation Systems,
298, and 354 for periodically varied impedance systems.
333, Wave Transmission Lines and Networks,
81, for attenuators.
336, Inductor Devices,
224, for inductors having nonuniformly spaced turns. See also the Search Notes thereunder for a more extensive search for this subject matter.
708, Electrical Computers: Arithmetic Processing and Calculating,
800+, for resistors having a mathematical characteristic in an electrical calculator.