(under the class definition) Subject matter including a lamp socket or lamp base together with a resistor positioned within the socket or base or mounted directly on and in engagement with the surface of the socket or base and in circuit with the terminal or terminals of the socket or base, and not otherwise classifiable.
(1) Note. The lamp base or socket to receive the lamp is usually of the type classifiable as such in Class 439, Electrical Connectors. Usually when structure in addition to that classified in Class 439 is recited, as relating to Class 362, Illumination, or Class 340, Communications: Electrical, classification is not in this subclass (219) or in Class 439, but in the more comprehensive subclass. See the Search Notes under Classes 313 and 439 for a statement of the classification lines between Class 439 and other classes relating to lamp bases and sockets. The resistor must be in intimate relationship with the socket or base as being contained therein or in a surface recess for classification in this subclass (219). A mere electrical connection between the resistor and the socket or base or a remote mounting of the resistor on the socket or base is not sufficient for classification here. Subclasses 315+ provides for resistors with mounting or supporting means.
70+, for mechanically variable resistors in or on a lamp socket.
216, for resistors in a coaxial transmission line or wave guide.
220, for resistors in a detachable electrical connector.
221, for detachable plug type resistor units. 226+, for incased, embedded, or housed resistors.
315+, for resistors with mounting or supporting means. See also (1) Note above.
313, Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices, appropriate subclasses, for electric lamp and discharge devices. See also (1) Note above.
315, Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices: Systems, appropriate subclasses, for electric lamp and discharge device systems, which may include a resistor as an element of the system.
340, Communications: Electrical, especially
84+, and 366+, for communication systems which may include a resistance and lamp socket or base together with other communication structure. See also (1) Note above.
362, Illumination, appropriate subclasses, for illuminating devices which may include a resistor as an element thereof with illumination structure. See also (1) Note above.