.~> Laminated type (includes bundles of rods or wires)
Classification: 336/233
(under the class definition) Inductor devices comprising the structure of the magnetic body of the inductor device.
20, for deformable or distortable core structure.
31, for counterbalanced core adjustable in response to a condition.
77, for relatively movable coil and closed coil or conductor member having a magnetic portion.
83, for core structure entirely enclosing the inductor winding. 84, for structure for magnetically shielding the inductor device.
98, for encased inductors leaving a portion of the core exposed.
100, for core structures having means to inhibit or damp core vibrations caused by fluctuations in magnetic flux therein.
110, for core structures which comprise or include a permanent magnet.
117+, for inductors with relatively movable coils having a core portion.
130+, for relatively movable coil and core.
155+, for inductors of the high leakage reactance type having saturable cores or cores with magnetic shunts.
172, for core structures provided with a portion linked by a partial or shorter length coil turn.
175+, for inductor comprising a core surrounding a linear conductor.
177, for inductor with coil conductor formed of magnetic material.
178, for closed type core with an air gap.
184, for conductor coils disposed on different core legs. 196, for inductor structures having supporting and/or spacing means between coil and core.
210, for cores with clamps, wedges or fasteners.
211, for concentric or nested core elements.
212, for plural part cores.
213, for wound cores.
214+, for cores with multiple magnetic paths.
216+, for cores with specific joint structure.
218, for cores whose magnetic properties are determined at least in part, by oriented magnetic particles or grain structure of the core material.
219, for cores having electrical insulation between core parts (e.g., between laminations).
221, for the combination of coil and core in general.
SEE OR SEARCH CLASS 29, Metal Working,
602.1+, for processes of manufacture, assembly and disassembly of electromagnets, transformers and inductances. See particularly subclass 606 for the process of assembling coil and core, and subclasses 607+ for the process of manufacture of permanent magnets and cores. Note under subclasses 602.1+ under "SEARCH CLASS", as to other fields of search and the line between Class 29 and other classes.
33, Geometrical Instruments,
355+, for magnetic compasses.
106, Compositions: Coating or Plastic, appropriate subclasses for mixtures of powdered materials such as magnetic particles, plus a binder material.
148, Metal Treatment,
100+, for processes of altering the internal structure of metalliferous materials to influence their magnetic properties, particularly subclass 104 relating to the production of dust cores. Subclasses 300+ for magnetic stock material made by a subclasses 100+ process or claimed in terms of significant magnetic properties.
204, Chemistry: Electrical and Wave Energy,
194+, for electrolytic apparatus, in general.
205, Electrolysis: Processes, Compositions Used Therein, and Methods of Preparing the Compositions, appropriate subclasses for electrolytic processes, in general.
252, Compositions,
62.51+, for the composition of magnetic materials not classified elsewhere. See the search notes to this subclass as to the line between Class 252 and Classes 29, 75, 106, 148, 260, and 317.
310, Electrical Generator or Motor Structure,
10+, for the structure of magnetic cores especially adapted for use in dynamoelectric machines. Subclasses 216+ provides for core features, while subclasses 254+ and subclasses 261+, respectively, provide for stator and rotor structure.
324, Electricity: Measuring and Testing,
244+, for apparatus or methods for determining the characteristics of magnetic fields or the magnetic properties of materials.
335, Electricity: Magnetically Operated Switches, Magnets, and Electromagnets,
285+, for structure of holding, lifting magnets and electromagnets. Note particularly subclasses 302+ for permanent magnets in general.
361, Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,
267, for process or apparatus for demagnetizing magnetized bodies.
381, Electrical Audio Signal Processing Systems and Devices,
177, for structure of a magnet in an acoustic microphone; subclasses 396+ for the structure of a magnet in an acoustic reproducer, such as an earphone or loudspeaker.
419, Power Metallurgy Processes, appropriate subclasses for processes of producing articles, which may be magnetic bodies, form particulate materials including sintering. 420, Alloys or Metallic Compositions, appropriate subclasses for alloys which are broadly as "magnetic", "magnetized" or "permanent magnet" or alloys defined only in terms of their composition which are inherently magnetic. See the definition to Class 148
300+, for the line between magnetic alloys classifiable in Class 420 and magnetic stock proper for Class 148.
428, Stock Material or Miscellaneous Articles,
544+, for stock materials, e.g., of indefinite length, which are all metal or have adjacent metal components, particularly subclasses 546+ for such stock distinguished by a magnetic feature.
520, Synthetic Resins or Natural Rubbers, particularly Classes 523 and 524 for a composition containing a resin or