(under subclass 2) Subject matter wherein the structure includes positive locking or holding means whereby the main contacts are inhibited or restrained from movement by external sources of influence; for instance against shock or accidental motion. The locking devices to be found here generally comprise either mechanical or magnet devices which are either manually or automatically operated independently of any latching means which may be present; for example, holding coil means.
21+, for automatic circuit breakers with latching means.
77, for motor actuated switches with lock, latch or trip.
113, for multiple contact automatic telephone switches with holding, locking or latching means.
167+, especially 168, for latching means with unwanted contact actuation means.
SEE OR SEARCH CLASS 200, Electricity: Circuit Makers and Breakers,
6+, for pivoted contact switches with holding coil means and subclasses 44+ for switches with unauthorized use prevention devices comprising locks.
307, Electrical Transmission or Interconnection Systems,
142, for switch actuating means with locking, holding or breaking means.
361, Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,
194, for electric circuits for relays and electromagnets and including holding means.