(under subclass 2) Devices in which the subject matter includes contact actuating means utilizing the force of repulsion between two circuits when a current is supplied to one and thereby induces a current in the other causing a deflection dependent upon the interaction of magnetic fields produced by the currents, means comprising plural magnets whose effect, upon energization of one by an electric current is a repulsion effect or devices in which an electrodynamic force which is the effect of currents flowing in opposite directions in two or more branches of a current carrying conductor is utilized for the opening or closing of at least one pair of contacts.
16, for automatic circuit breaking devices utilizing the force of attraction or repulsion between electrical conductors for the purpose of assisting the opening or closing of the main contacts.
78+, for polarity responsive switch devices which may utilize magnetic repulsion forces in part.
100, for alternating current operated switches utilizing induction or eddy currents.
195, for switches in which the main contact pressure is controlled by magnetic or electrodynamic force.
223+, for electrodynamically operated magnetomotive devices. SEE OR SEARCH CLASS
124, Mechanical Guns and Projectors,
3, for devices whereby a projectile is propelled by electromagnetic impulses applied thereto during the progress through a barrel.
200, Electricity: Circuit Makers and Breakers,
147, for devices in which a coil is arranged adjacent the contacts which generates a magnetic field when a circuit is
broken, which field repels and breaks the arc.
310, Electrical Generator or Motor Structure,
10+, for dynamoelectric devices utilizing the repulsive forces between electrical conductors.
318, Electricity: Motive Power Systems,
725+, for repulsion motors and subclasses 727+ for induction motors.
324, Electricity: Measuring and Testing,
74, for the calibration of watt hour meters using induction repulsion and subclasses 137+ for measuring devices utilizing eddy currents. 336, Inductor Devices,
75+, for closed coil movable with respect to another coil, subclasses 115+ for various inductor devices with relatively movable coils and subclasses 130+ for relatively movable core and coil.
361, Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices
1+, for safety and protective systems which may include electrodynamically actuated means.