(under the class definition) Passive networks for producing an output wave which is the time derivative or time integral of the input wave.
(1) Note. See the internal and external search notes under subclass 20 of this class for wave shaping systems which may involve differentiating and/or integrating networks.
20, for passive networks for shaping the output wave to other than the time derivative or time integral of the input wave. Also see (1) Note above.
318, Electricity: Motive Power Systems, 609+, and 611+, particularly subclasses 621+ for position servomechanisms which include stabilizing control features such as integrating and differentiating networks; subclasses 141+ for generator fed motor systems having generator control including anti-hunt or rate of change response; subclass 702 for synchronous motor systems having anti-hunt or anti-damping control; subclass 448, for open loop automatic motor control systems involving anti-hunt control; and subclasses 456+ for systems responsive to the rate of change of a condition.
322, Electricity: Single Generator Systems,
19, for systems for automatically controlling the rate of change or hunting of a generator or its driving means.
323, Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation Systems,
212, 219 for miscellaneous phase control networks which involve differentiating or integrating networks.
327, Miscellaneous Active Electrical Nonlinear Devices, Circuits, and Systems,
335, for miscellaneous differentiating circuits and subclasses 336+ for miscellaneous integrating circuits.
708, Electrical Computers: Arithmetic Processing and Calculating,
822, and 823+ for calculators performing computations involving differentiation and integration, respectively.